Chapter 34

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Say no to Suicide.


Third Person POV


Everywhere was Chaotic.

Trying to get rid of the mass of students seemed futile because everyone stayed rooted to the ground.

Where are the prefects when you need them?

Or the teachers even.

Everyone was surprised. Someone as cool and collected as Mateo Seyifunmi Craig had slit his wrist and stabbed his side, trying to kill himself right inside the Male lavatory. No one had seen that coming a mile away.

Absolutely no one.

Just when you think you know someone, they tend to surprise you.

No one really knew him. They only thought they did.

"Fuck!" Jamal was on his knees, his shirt off from his body and pressed against Mateo's bleeding side to stop the bleeding. Soon, the shirt was already soiled with blood.

Vanessa had gone to alert the teachers and Somadina was trying to get rid of the crowd. Elyon was holding Skye, turning her face away from the horrid sight. Soon, the sound of sirens blaring was heard signaling the coming of an ambulance and it became louder as the ambulance got closer.

Vanessa came, leading Mr Kohol who in turn was leading a team of paramedics with a Gurney. Soon a train of teachers came and tried to get rid of the students. This was more effective as students didn't want to get into trouble. They began to disperse, the event of the past minute at the tips of their tongue.

"Move aside!" Mr Kohol yelled Jamal as he led a team of paramedics carrying a gurney towards Mateo's pale body.

Jamal stood up from the ground, shirt and hand soiled with blood and blood stains his white singlet vest. He looked to his eyes and his eyes met Elyon's. She saw the horror lying beneath his brown orbs and became extra terrified. Skye still had her face buried in Elyon's shoulder, weeping profusely.

Mateo's body was lifted from the floor to the gurney and the paramedics carried him away to the ambulance waiting downstairs. Mr Kohol turned around, looking tired and exhausted.

"You three," he pointed to Jamal, Skye and Elyon. "You are coming along with me to the hospital." He ordered before looking and Soma and Vanessa.

"Make sure you get someone to clean this place up. You can do it yourselves. This news must not leave the senior's block. Am I clear?!" He snapped.

"Yes sir!" They chorused and left the place, after telling the trio that they would help get their bags home.

"I can't go, I can't go." Skye kept chanting, tears cascading from her eyes. Elyon looked at Jamal for help and Jamal in turn looked at his sister.

"We have to, Skye. Don't think about anything else. We need to be there for Mateo." Jamal told her, trying to convince her.

"Are you coming or I should leave you!" Mr Kohol asked furiously.

"I'd go ahead and try to stall him. You try to convince her to come with. Mateo needs her there." Elyon stated and went ahead, leaving Jamal and Skye.

"Hey, look at me." Jamal cupped her face in his hands and turned her head to look at him. Blood marks smeared on her clear skin but no one gives a shit at the moment.

"I know what you are thinking and I understand why you feel that way. But you need to pull yourself together because Mateo needs us. Please Skye." Jamal pleaded. Skye nodded and Jamal pulled her along.

𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟺)Where stories live. Discover now