The Mouse

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Disclaimer: I don't own of the characters in this story. This is only meant for a fanfiction for the fans. I only own the plot the characters are being put into.


Beep! Beep! Beep! The alarm sounded next to Johnny's bed.

He groaned; it was his day off. Someone set the alarm anyway! Then he realized he did.

He thought, Well, now that I'm up, I might as well stay up, as he walked into the kitchen.

Johnny opened the refrigerator.

"Hmm..." Johnny thought out loud, "What to eat? What to eat?"

He abruptly closed the refrigerator. He thought he had seen something move at his feet.

"Hmm... That's weird. My eyes must be playing tricks on me."

The fact was his eyes were not playing tricks on him. There really was something crawling around on the floor. Johnny just didn't know it... yet.

He opened the fridge again and switched his mind back to food. His eyes browsed the selection of food before him. He grabbed a partial gallon of milk, then chose a box of Franken Berry cereal from the cupboard. No one was around to tease him about it. So, why not? He always liked the cereal. Besides, he was a kid once and still is inside!

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something move for sure this time. Johnny dropped his spoon. He went to investigate. It hid from Johnny, because he couldn't find it.

He returned to his delicious bowl of Franken Berry cereal. As soon as Johnny finished his breakfast, he again noticed something moving.

Alright, he thought, this time I am going to find it... whatever it is.

The fireman inched his way to the floor cupboard where he had seen it. There it was again! It's a mouse! Then he looked at his cat.

"Why did I ever name you Mouser?" he said, "You don't even catch mice!"

His black and white cat just stared at him.

"Why do you remind me so much of Garfield? You're not even orange!"

Still the cat just stared at him. This made him even angrier, so he stormed to the door and threw on his jacket. He was going outside for a walk. As soon as he opened his door, Roy stood there with a clenched fist ready to knock.

Roy had a surprised look plastered on his face. Johnny looked frantic, but then his whole face changed. His face brightened up with a huge smile. How does that not look suspicious?

"Johnny? What's wrong? What's the problem?"

"Oh, nothing, Roy. I was, you know, going out for a walk."

Johnny didn't want anyone, not even Roy, to find out he had rodents- mice!

"Mind if I keep you company?"

"No, go right ahead. Do whatever you want."

Roy just followed Johnny down the stairs and out the door. They started walking down random streets. He had no clue where his friend was headed, but he had a feeling Johnny needed him. So he he decided to be there, just in case he wanted to talk.

Besides, Roy was already curious what was happening; he knew Johnny was trying to hide something. Now all Roy had to was get Johnny to talk and let it all loose.

Johnny wasn't going to let anyone know about his problem no matter how much they tried. It was embarrassing to let anyone know you have mice! The only ones who know so far are his cat, the mouse, and himself. They were the only ones who needed to know and he was determined to keep it that way.

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