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One year later.

"Alright class, I hope you guys enjoy and please, do your homework if you want to graduate and don't have to repeat you're senior year." The teacher said when the final bell rings. "Class dismissed."

Sam collected his books and his homework in his bag zip them up, put them on his shoulder. He is wearing a white T-shirt with his signature black leather jacket, nice jeans and a pair of shoes. He also wears glasses because he found out he ran out of contacts this morning. When he was to leave, his teacher called for him because she needs to talk to him.

"Yes, Miss Gomez?" Sam slowly walked up as he's nervous, since every time he talked to him she's giving him a piece of bad news.

"Don't worry, Sam. It's not bad news." She said. "It's about your grade."

"Okay," Sam raised his eyebrows as he's waiting for her to continue. "What is it about?

"I noticed that you're grades are doing great than last year. So far, you don't need any credit or a tutor. But if you want to get into a good college, I suggested doing some volunteer work because it's going to be on your résumé. But so far so good."

"Thank you, Miss Gomez." Sam smiled slightly. "What types of volunteers would you recommend?"

The teacher sits down on her chair as she takes out a piece of paper and starts looking through the list if something is good for Sam. "You need 50 or 500 hours of volunteer work. I highly recommend that if you want you to want you can do a blood drive for saving people's life." She handed him a list, so he can look through them if he wants to decide with Colby. He wants some advice on what he should do.

"Thank you, again."

"it's ok, Sam. You're becoming a bright young man, keep the good work, and see you tomorrow."

Sam walks out of the classroom after he said goodbye to the teacher. He fold the paper and put it in his back pocket. The blond boy continues walking down to the hallway, glanced at the students are packing up for leaving the school's property. And some were going to the auditorium for the next play. Sam was glad he's not part of the play anymore because his grade is doing good and he doesn't need extra credit.

He unexpectedly felt like someone jumped on his back when their arms around his neck and their legs around his hips. Sam tries to look but he saw a girl with black hair an huge smile on her face. "Really? You have to do that every single day?" He chuckles.

"Duh!! Ever since Colby graduate from higher school, I've been lonely forever. I bet you're lonely ever since Kat and Corey graduated and I figured if we could keep each other company as well." She hops off his back.

"True." He said. "Why are you nice to me, Shea? I thought you very dislike very much." He looked at her.

"I did dislike you before I knew the truth, Sam. Ever since you guys know that Evelyn spilt you're guys friendship, I started to like you because you're innocent. Even though you're hard to read but I knew deep down you cared Colby." She said calmly. "You make him happy, Sam."

"Thanks, Shea."

"Anyways it happens in the past. This year is a brand new start because it's our senior year before we all headed to college."

"So, we're good?"

"Yes," She smiled. "So, how was Colby doing, since his dad's situation?"

They both started walking out of the school's doors when they realize the hallway is empty. "He's been doing a lot better actually. Ever since you came over to the hotel and start talking to him, his nightmares started going away. He's been doing so many hikes for clearing his mind and forgetting about his father."

𝗔𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗥𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗧𝗼 𝗬𝗼𝘂 ✔ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt