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The room is filled with silence when the four friends are hanging out at Devyn's room. The friend group grew stronger because they made a group chat for random memes and talked random things. They never knew that the friend group has so much in common; they all enjoy fashion, Jake and Kat loves to sing. But sometimes they used the group chat for meeting up somewhere and talking about Sam and Colby.

They have been noticing that the two boys are acting...different. The group doesn't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing but they need to talk if they have any ideas about what's going on. They have been planning about getting the boys together because they want them to be friends again, but the group doesn't know what's going on in their past.

"So, what's our next plan for Sam and Colby?" Corey asked. He sitting on the bed while his back is on the wall. "Is this the last plan? Wait, are we making more plans?"

Devyn and Kat are in their usual spot. Kat and Devyn sit on her the swinging chair in Devyn's room, the brunette's legs are on Kat's lap while the blue-haired girl moves her feet making her chair slowly back and forth. Her hand is resting on her girlfriend's legs and the other one is on her thigh.

Kat is honestly doesn't want to continue the plan anymore because he feels kinda bad for going behind her best friend's back. "I don't know about you guys but I don't want to be part of this anymore. I love you guys but I think we taking it too far."

"Yeah, I feel the same way," Devyn said. "We don't know what's going on behind those closed doors. What if one of them or they did something seriously bad happened and caused their friendship to break."

The boys nodded for understanding their decision. Jake and Corey exchange look at each other if they should continue making plans. They noticed that ask and Colby never fought anything for a week and a half (or longer); to the friend group, that's the world's record. They usually fought, at least 2 or 3 times a week. But now, they are very suspicious when they haven't heard of them arguing.

Whenever the two boys are arguing with each other, a random person has to let one of their friends know that they're fighting. The friends has to break them apart before one of them took it too far. But right now, they have been very quiet. Kat and Devyn know that they getting along but Jake, Corey, and their crew didn't know what's going on.

While Jake and Corey talking if they should continue the plan, the girls are whispering each other if they should tell the boys about Sam and Colby are getting along. The girls knows that they getting along because they spend a whole day with them until Colby is disappear for the next morning. Devyn thinks its a great idea because she feels like their plan worked.

"Jake? Corey?" Kat said. "we have something to tell you."

"Sure, go ahead."

"A couple days ago, me and Kat went to auditorium for watching the boys practice, and they doing so well. We have been noticed that the boys haven't fought." Devyn said.

"Ok, go on." Jake said as his arms crossed while he's listening.

"They walked up to us, start talking and hanging out for a little. They have been invited us a fancy dinner between them and their parents, they invite us because they don't want to be alone. So anyways, short story, we all went to Target for supplies because we going to stay at the park overnight because we're looking at the sunrise."

"During our walk at the park. We saw them they holding hands and they looks so happy. Even though Sam don't show many emotions but he still a slightest smile when he's around with Colby. I never seen Sam so happy before." Kat finished telling the story.

"Wait. Do you guys know what happhappened between them?" Corey asked.

"Nope. We haven't asked them but we decided give them some time, so they can explain whenever they were ready. So, we decided to wait because it's none of our business."

"What should we do?" Jake said. "Are we continuing to the plan or?"

"I think we shouldn't continue the plan. Because our plan was, 'Bring Sam and Colby closer, so they get along'. They got along and that's only matters."


"Tomorrow, I think we should asked them what's going on. We all confused." Corey stated. "One minute, they all friends. Next they're rivals. And now, they're friends agian. I don't know about you guys but I kinda want some answers. I know we keep saying 'it's none of our business' but i really want to know what the hell is going on."

They all nodded and agreed what Corey trying to say. Kat and Devyn knows that Sam and Colby getting along but they still confused about what triggers them and what reason they getting along?

Only way to found out. 😉

Words counted: 853

I'm so sorry it's kinda short. This chapter is kinda a filler. But you might like the next chapter 😉😉

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