"Colby? Are you mad at me? If I did something wrong, I'm sorry." Sam's voice sounds so dull as he looks at Colby with his usual neutral expression.

Colby suddenly feels kinda bad because the blond boy thought he did something wrong. Colby wants something to plan a special night for him because Colby finally has some balls to ask him out. But he doesn't want to be that guy, just blurted it out. He wants to do something romantic that Sam would love.

Cheesy romantic shit.

Colby decided to break his character and pull Sam closer to him as he's leaning against the lockers. He hates seeing him so upset because it broke his heart. Colby put his hands onto Sam's. "I'm so sorry. You did nothing wrong."

"Then why are you ignoring me most of the day?" Sam asked as looking down at his feet. He felt two fingers on his chin that left up, making him look at his beautiful icy blue eyes.

"The reason why I'm ignoring you is, I was going to do this whole really cute thing of showing up at your house. Throwing rocks at the window while playing your favorite song on a speaker. Like those dumb cheesy romance movies, you like so much." Colby laughed at the last sentence and Sam giggled with him because he knows it's true.

"But I just can't stand watching you be sad all day so I'll just ask now. Samuel John Golbach, will you be my boyfriend?" Colby asked politely, hoping he said, yes.

Sam glanced at him shocked but also happy because he did have feelings for his best friend. Even though they used to be rivals but in deep deep deep down in their younger self; they always will be best friends. The memories have never once, faded away.

"Yes. I love to be your boyfriend, Colby." Sam blushed while he gave him a slight smile. He was truly ready to be his boyfriend but he did use to a boy and boy thing. No more weird feelings in his stomach, now it replaced is normal. Just normal.

Sam leans in Colby closely, puts his hands on Colby's neck while his thumbs are on his sharp jawline. He honestly doesn't care if about coming out planned to everyone, the whole school. Because the only thing he cared about at this moment is Colby. His Colby. He ignored everyone is stares at him cluelessly.

When Sam was about to lean in to kiss him but Colby stopped him before he could go any further. "Wait, what about you're coming out to everyone?" He wants to make sure if the blond boy is ready and doesn't want to regret anything.

"What if this is my way to coming out?" Sam saw Colby smile, knowing he's right. Colby knew the blond boy is so creative and adorable.

The students around them didn't expect their two rivals to press their lips together as they connected. Some gasped and whispered about them but the two boys chose to ignore them and only focus on each other. They don't know what their friends might think of two rivals kissing but soon they will have some answers.

They pulled away when they heard Kat, Devyn, Jake, and Corey calling their names as they walked towards them; looking so confused. They don't know if their plan works or not but they want to ask them. Maybe this is a perfect opportunity to ask Sam and Colby about their past, and what triggered them to get along.

"I'm assuming that you guys have lots of questions."

"Duh!! We haven't seen or heard you guys since, I don't know almost a month?" Corey makes a confused face because he thought his friend is straight. And the two former rivals ain't friends.

"You counted how many months every time we argued?" Colby's eyebrows are slightly furrowed as he's glanced at Corey.

"That what I said from yesterday," Sam said, facepalming l, making Corey laugh loudly. "We'll tell you everything but for now. We need to get our group together right now."


The two groups of friends are very confused when they do as they are told when they have to sit together. So Sam and Colby can explain every single detail past few years and until now. The two leaders sit in the middle, while their friends are listening to what they have to say.

Sam explain his side of the story about him and Colby used to be friends when they were a baby because their moms are best friends. He also explained when he visited Colby's school for meeting him, so they can hang out together after school. Evelyn told Sam about Colby is sick of him and join her clique.

Colby explain to the group about Evelyn showed Sam a video about "Colby" that he saying all of the lies. But he also explained to them, it's not him that video. Evelyn hired someone to pretend to be him. Colby showed them proof of how he can tell the difference between his selfie vs the video. In the video, his skin tone is one shade lighter and his selfie is one shade a little bit darker.

Lastly, Sam told them that the rivalry between them is over. No more drama. No more sitting separately. And no more secrets. Devyn and Kat couldn't be more excited because they can finally sit together as in one group; the same goes for Jake and Tara.

"So, the whole thing is just misunderstood?" Cassie said, making sure if everything was good.

"Yup!" Colby said, "me and Sam going to stay at my place after we fought. We decided to skip school and start discussing what happened."

"We decided to get along and take things slow as much as possible. Because we're not ready to tell the whole school about us, we don't want everyone ruining our friendship again."

"So, you two are boyfriend and boyfriend, since you guys are kissed?" Kevin asked.

"That's not our first kiss, Kevin." Sam blushed after he heard the whole group says 'ooh's' and some were whistling for teasing him.

A few moments later, everyone took in about the truth and talked to get to know each other. "So, I guess our planned worked guys." Corey smiled when he looked at Jake, Devyn, and Kat.

"Wait, what? What plan?!" Sam couldn't help but overheard while looking at them beyond confused.

"Corey!!" Kat said trying to stop him but it's too late because he continues.

"Our plan is for you two to get along because we want our group to become peace."

"How long ago is that?"

Kat explain to Sam if he remembers the day when Devyn is going to tell her something after school and Sam said, 'yes, of course.' She told the two boys about they wanted them to get along and stop fighting. So, they come up with a plan.

Sam and Colby are not happy when their friends lie to them and go behind their back an entire time. The group of four apologized for everything but they want everyone is getting together. Which Sam and Colby understand, slowly they forgive them.

The friends couldn't be more excited about everything in peace. Sam leans his head in Colby's crooked of his neck while he's listening to his group talking to his boyfriend's group. Boyfriend, he likes the sound of that.

Words counted: 2000

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