the one with the kidnapping

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"Depravation makes mediocrity. Mediocrity triggers fear. Fear causes greatness. Greatness inspires envy. Envy engineers spite. Spite spawns lies."

AFTER THE DEATH EATERS left, the silence that had set over the Burrow was deafening. Draco sat with Fred and George, the only two people he believed who could understand that sheer panic he was in. It had been thirty-seven minutes, and all Draco could think about was the bright red stunning spell that had stuck Skylar as she was held by the notorious Yaxley, as she stood there, taken by shock, and probably defenseless, before diffusing into a wisp of smoke, Disapparating away from the Burrow, probably to the Malfoy Manor. As he sat between the twins, eyes wide, rocking on his hips, he thought of the multiple horrible things that could've happened to them by them.

"You have been marked," Nott Sr had said in a cold, emotionless voice, after the Death Eaters were done questioning them about Harry Potter. Draco had taken another swig of the horrible tasting Polyjuice Potion to ensure he remained a ginger. Self-preservation. "If we detect any signs of support-or help, association and homage- to either Harry Potter or The Order, immediate action will be taken. The punishment for defying Lord Voldemort shall be no less than Death."

They had checked every inch of the Burrow, every room, every cupboard, every corner. Harry Potter was nowhere to be found. Draco had stayed mum and quiet as they checked around, his wand-both of them- hidden under a strong disillusionment charm in his robes. He hadn't said anything until they left.

That is when Draco Malfoy lost all his cool, all his calm, all his logic and crumbled to the floor, in a fit of shouting and sobbing, at the spot where Skylar Firegold had been thirty-seven minutes prior.

"You don't understand," he had cried to Sirius who was pacing in the sitting room.

"We do," Remus Lupin had said in an uncharacteristically harsh tone, running his hands through his hair. "We will find her-"

"You don't," Draco shouted, anger and fear fighting each other in his stomach. "Only I know-out of all of us, only me-what actually happens in the Malfoy Manor. What actually happens to people who defy Voldemort!"

"Draco-" Fred had gripped his shoulders, steadying him. Draco's magic seemed to be pouring out of his eyes, his fingertips.

"Don't!" Draco flinched away from Fred. "He Crucioed me, Fred," he said, loudly, venomously. "Thrice a day, every day, for being late to do what he asked me to do."

"Shouting won't get us anywhere!" George had snapped- Draco stared at him in shock, unable to fathom how a Weasley could match his temper. Only then he had noticed how the twin's eyes were pooling with tears, just like his, how they seemed to be holding themselves together just barely, just like him.

"He will kill her," Draco whispered before a sob left him, and he slouched on the ground. As panic and bole rose within him, he felt helpless. He thought maybe this is what Skylar had felt when he had returned from Christmas Break. He hated feeling helpless.

"He won't kill her, Draco," Sirius had said quietly. "He needs her."

"Tom fucking Riddle needs no one," Draco said. "He will ask her once. He will ask her twice. And then he will kill her."

"Stop saying that!" Fred had shouted, shaking Draco, unsung tears rolling down his cheeks.

"That's the truth, Weasley!" Draco stood up, and looked at the crowd around him. "I lived with Voldemort, I know what happens."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐑 Where stories live. Discover now