chapter 3 : mini-games and something else...

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        Hi guys it has been awhile huh I am so sorry for how long it took for me to post well enjoy.


                                                                                  Bryan's  POV 

as we got to the portal room Gale, Haymitch, Prim, and Snow all looked at the hole oh the floor in confusion " ugh why is there a big hole on the floor " Gale asked " well that is the portal ok so how to play the mini-games will be explained when we know what game we are playing how to get to mini-games we have to jump in to the hole " I said and I think they got it because they got in a jumping position " ok 3..2..1 jump " and as I said that everyone jumped in.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in mini-games~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

                                                                                 Bryan's POV

when we got to the mini-game I saw that we are in murder mystery and I saw that I am the murderer " ugh " I grouned " whats wrong Katniss " Gale asked " we are in a game I hate " I said " what game are we in " Snow asked " we are in murder mystery a game the portal likes to take us all the time anyway to play this game there is one murderer one detective and the rest are survivers " I said " how do you win the game " Haymitch asked " survive till the time runs out of kill the murderer and for the murderer kill everyone before time runs out " I said then I heard Gale scream " its the green bunny " Gale said " aww this is going to end quickly " Molten said and he was correct as RS. Freddy shot him and we were in the next round but I felt weird and I realized that it was Vile but it was to late as everything went black.

                                                                                   Vile's POV

" I am back " I said as the animatronics recognized me " what are you doing back " Helpy said " aww is it not nice to see me its been so long " I said and I realized the other humans are confuison "what is going on and why isn't Katniss talking " Gale asked " well hello my name is Vile or as the animatronics like to call me evil Bryan " as I said that they looked shocked " what do you mean by 'evil Bryan' " Peeta asked " oh well you see I am Bryan's evil side " I said and i think that shocked them " well looks like its time for y'all to go back bye" I said as we went back.

hay hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it took so long to get out well Peace girl out bye (444 words)

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