The fuckboys 😒🙄

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I woke up at 6 am this morning as I was walking to my bathroom across the hall I stubbed my toe.
Y: Fuck , shit
I whispered yelled. I got in the shower and it was cold , that only happens when someone else is using the water . I knew it was one of the boys , but I just continued , I got out brushed my teeth and did my hair with loose curls . I put on this outfit :

  this one for cheer :

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this one for cheer :

  this one for cheer :

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And this for dance :

I put them all in my clothes bag and put them in my locker

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I put them all in my clothes bag and put them in my locker . I was walking to History when a boy and his friends came following me from behind . I just ignored them and went to class . I got there and sat down . We were working on a assignment when the boys started whispering things like .
-You looking fine
-Come sit on daddy's lap mamas
They kept laughing till they got in trouble
And shit like that , I ignored them and continued doing my work.

Skip some classes

Ir is now lunch and me and the girls are sitting minding our own business when 3 girls come up to us . They walked like they owned the world , Addi told me that her name was Brittany and her dad is the owner of the college , apparently she has been trying to get with Dre ever since middle school. She walked up to us , and gave me a mean stare . I just sat there confused , when she finally spoke up
B: I think you should leave
Y: why may I ask?
B: because I don't like you and I can make you get out
Y: umm fist question why and second question what did I do to you
B: you tried getting with Dre
She practically yelled
Y: woah there slow your role , I only share a dorm with Dre I don't have a thing with him
B: well then I suggest you back of before I hurt you and your reputation
And with that she walked off I shrugged my shoulders and sat down. We all had a good laugh but Dre seemed to keep looking at me . Lunch is over and I have dance so I changed and went into class . I learned a new dance and performed is with Addi and Charli :

My college lover🥀❤️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora