You waved slightly from behind Harry as he said "We can come back late, professor."

"Not necessary, Harry Y/n. The minister and I are done. I'll be back in a moment. Minister, after you. There you are. Your hat." Dumbledore said giving the minister making sure he was in front of him.

"Oh, Y/n Harry, do feel free to indulge in a little Liquorice Snap in my absence. But I have to warn you, they're a wee bit sharp." He said picking up one form the bowl and showing us before walking off out of the room Professor Moody eyed us as he walked out.

Once he was out he used a spell too shut the door slowly as he did opening it

"Well.. that was weird" I whispered too Harry

"I'm I the only person who finds Professor Moody a creep." Harry chuckled and whacked my shoulder slightly

"But he is though" I said laughing silently

(He's like that one gym teacher though 😂😂)

Harry walked over too the bowl that had Liquorice Snap in it and pick a handful up

"Harry I wouldn't-"

I was cut off by the Liquorice snapping at Harry's hands which made him walk backwards into a wall I ran up too help him but he dropped them all onto the floor while they where still snapping and tried too squash them and pick them up at the same time.

I tried helping him but they bounced away

Just then we heard a click sound we both turn around too see a secret door thingy which seemed too gave the bluest of blue water in a fountains of some sort.

We both made our way over too it

As I stared into the potion Harry took out his wand and started making circles above the water.

"What are you-" I stopped talking after I noticed the water changing into different colours it seemed too be making something like a picture.

Before I knew it myself and Harry felt like we where falling I screamed loudly

Thinking something bad had happened nasty was screaming also.

We both landed in a a seat?

I looked frantically around too see where we where it looked like a trial

"Professor?" Harry said I looked at who he was talking too sitting beside us was Dumbledore and sitting above him was Professor Moody.

Harry looked at me confused and I shrugged sitting closer towards him

That was until someone else said "Professor." And placed an arm through Harry's body which made me gasp in shock and horror.

Harry flinched looking down too see an arm shaking Professor Dumbledores

"Harry are you okay?" I ask worriedly

He just nodded slightly as the arm was out of his body.

"Igor Karkaroff, you have been brought from Azkaban at your own request... To present evidence to this council. Should your testimony prove consequential.. Council may be prepared to order your immediate release. Until such time, you remain in the eyes of the Ministry a convicted Death Eater."

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