Chapter 55

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Y/Ns PoV
"Today's the day!" I say excitingly as myself, Cho, Luna and Samuel walked out of the castle

Following bunch of other kids getting closer too the stadium for where the first task took place.

"I'm super excited!!!" Samuel squealed out

He then calmed down and said "You know I heard The Weasley Twins are gambling on who's gonna win the first task?"

Cho said she might put in a bet in for Cedric

While Luna said she would rather not bet on anyone

And then there's me and I'm too busy whining in my mind thinking.

'Why didn't those Weasels tell me about it!'

"Of course they are.." You sighed out

"Y/n are you thinking about betting on someone..-" Samuel started too say something else but you know what he was going too say and you quickly cut him off from saying it.

"No I'm not betting and don't you dare say what I think your going too say or your going too be a dead man walking" I say warning him

"Harry Potter!" He Yelled luckily not catching too much attention around us because everyone was so excited about today.

You slapped him on the back of his head and did "Shut it, You know I'm not dating him. He's just a friend"

Cho and Luna laughed at my reaction while Samuel rubbed the back of his head mumbling

"Ow, God Y/n. Your strong"

You smile at him "I know I am."

As you and your friends where finding the right place too stand for the show you accidentally bumped into.... Well the wrong person

You stared falling backwards

You shut yours eyes ready for the cold hard ground

But... It never happened.

You quickly open your eyes too see......

Ron Weasley?

You both just stared at each other's eyes for a couple of seconds until someone hummed for both of your attention.

You both look to your side too see Fred and George

"So we guess both of you have made up?" They both ask giving their trademark mischief smiles

You heard Ron growl slightly probably out of frustration

"Haven't you boys got to go get more bets from people?" You ask sassily

They stare at you for a moment then started giving you the two fingers 'We are watching you' look.

They then quickly walked away not before yelling "We'll Keep Seats For You Two Love Birds!"

You giggle while Ron still gave them a deadly stare while they ran away.

Ron's then attention went back too you and he started saying "Y/n, I know I can be a jerk but I'm Sorry."

You smile and say "I do also apologise for bumping into you."

You then dusted yourself off and seated walking away

"Wait!" Ron Yelled at you

"Yes?" You say turning back round

"So you do forgive me?" He ask's confuses

Boys Boys and more Boys Harry Potter various x reader *Discontinued*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz