A phone call

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Noki was being shown around the haven, which was about the size of a small town.

"So, is it only Greek mythology that exists?" She asked as Nelson shook his head.

"Some say that the other mythologies, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, and Japanese exist as well." Nelson explained as she pondered.

"Why didn't you tell me before that you were a satyr in disguise?" She asked as he sighed, stopping in his tracks.

"I wished that i could, but i swore an oath to your birth parents to protect you." He explained as her jaw dropped.

"You knew my real parents?" She asked as he nodded.

"Yes, your mother was a brilliant leader and warrior." He explained.

"What about my father?" She asked as he sighed.

"He turned out to be a sneak thief who was searching for power." He explained as she raised an eyebrow.

"Then how did i come to be?" She asked, as Nelson shuddered.

"You're really a ULF, which stands for 'Ultimate Living Form'. Which basically means a machine created you by using the blood of your mother and father." He explained as she looked down.

"So i wasn't wanted by my own parents?" She asked as Nelson shook his head.

"Your mother loved you, and cherished every moment she had with you, up till the point she gave you to the Warrens for safety." He explained.

"Safety?" She asked as he nodded.

"You're a huge threat to every mythology that has been written about. Many of them will seek to destroy you, while others will seek to befriend you." He explained as she pondered some more.

"Why am i such a threat?" She asked.

"Your mother had the power of time, which meant she could reverse events that had happened, had she chosen to ignore the laws set in place to keep her from doing so. Your father was born a little on the crazy side, and had the power of Chaos, which can destroy things in its path, so evidence exists that the person or thing still exists." He explained as her head throbbed.

"That's a lot to take in." She explained as he smiled.

"I know, but over time you will begin to understand your power, and why it needs controlling." He explained as his phone rang.

"Yeah?" He answered as there was chittering on the other side.

"What's up?" She asked as he put his phone away.

"Lady Artemis has appeared at the temple, she is asking for you." He explained as she gulped.

"She's not going to kill me, is she?" Noki asked as Nelson shook his head.

"More than likely, Lady Artemis wants to explain an urgency to have you on our side, and will explain what will happen if you join your father." He explained as she wanted to run away.

"Let's go." She stated, seeming to gather the courage from nowhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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