A day at school

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Noki walked down the hall at school, her mind was full of thoughts, that she didn't notice Nelson in front of her, and when she bumped into him, she instantly struggled to steady him with his crutches.

"Sorry, Nelson." She stated as he smiled, a wide goofy grin.

"Hey, Noki, didn't notice you." He replied as she picked up a book he had dropped.

"Checking out books from the library?" She asked as he chuckled.

"Yep, this one was on Greek mythology. I was hoping to clear up my memory my father gave me. He always told me about Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon." Nelson stated as Noki glanced at the page she opened to.

"Artemis?" She asked as she peered at the picture.

"Yes, the book said she is the goddess of hunt and moon." Nelson explained as Noki nodded.

"Can I read this after you?" She asked as he smiled again.

"Sure, I was going to bring it out at lunch when you bumped into me, obviously something is bothering you?" He asked as she looked down.

"Dad has cancer." I stated as Nelson made a face.

"That doesn't sound good. Mr. Warren always was very kind to me." Nelson stated.

"They say he has an estimated year to live." She explained as Nelson lightly touched her arm.

"Things will be okay, trust me." Nelson stated as a bell rang.

"Going to lunch?" He asked as she started to sob.

He pulled her, with what strength he had, into his arms and let her sob into his shirt.

"Hey, calm down, It will be alright, but I need you to remain strong, so does your dad." Nelson explained.

"Can you come over after school? You know, for like homework and stuff?" She asked as he chuckled.

"I'd come over even if it was only for dinner. Mom and Dad don't care as long as they know where i am." He explained as Noki smiled.

The two began walking to the lunch room as kids began to fill the hallways.

"So, other than your dad, you okay?" Nelson asked as she helped him get his lunch as well as her own.

"Yeah, but that book sounds interesting. I was curious if anyone believed those tales today?" She asked as he made a sour face.

"Not really. It's hard to find anyone in America with those beliefs." He explained as Noki nodded, taking a bite of mashed potatoes.

"Is that the only book you checked out?" She asked as he shook his head no.

"I checked out Norse, Egyptian, Roman, and Japanese too." He explained as she nodded.

"Maybe mom and dad would let you come over and we could share the books?" She asked, knowing full well Nelson would read aloud the books to her.

"Yeah, I'd like that." He explained as she finished her meal, throwing away both of their trays.

"You ever heard of Apollo?" Nelson asked as she returned to the table.

"Apollo? As in the spacecraft Apollo 13?" She asked as he chuckled.

"No, as in the greek god." He explained as she shook her head.

"Dad always told me stories about him being a sun god." He explained as Noki nodded.

"Well, maybe we'll learn more about him another day." She explained as the five minute bell went off, signaling that students had to get to class in five minutes.

"See you!" Nelson called as Noki and him parted ways for their classes.

Noki ChaunciWhere stories live. Discover now