Menstrual time (Auggy)

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I really hate having my monthly. I much rather have a little gift saying congrats you're not knocked up here is a gift card tour your favorite place enjoy. Or something besides bleeding out my hoohaa for days, cramps, bloating, and pain.

But no... life doesn't work like that for ladies.

I swear men have it lucky they dont bleed our there dicks for days every single month.


I was laying curled up on the couch when Auggy walks in.

"Angel where are you?" he calls out

"I am no angel. casue angels dont bleed for days, have cramps, and want to rips someones hair out and scream very loudly that they feel as if someone is gutting them like a fish" I reply

I hear him walk in before I see him squating down before me.

"Anything I can do to help?"

I looked at him a little confused.


"Don't look surprised or confused. I wanna help you if I can."

"Since when does the big mean Auggy wanna deal with his lady while she is bleeding from her coochie?"

He laughed.

"Since she made him fall head of hills in love with her. and she has put up with shit and never backed down no matter what happen. and was always there from him when he was hurt or burned."

I whined.

"Auggy dont make me emotional..."

He smiled and bushed hair from my face before turning my head to fully face him.

"Can I help?"

I nodded.

"What can Your Auggy do?"

"Stop making me want to cry from you being so sweet."

"No can do darling."

I pouted and he brushed his thumb back and forth over my bottom lip.

"Come on baby tell Auggy what he can do to help.

"Well your had is really warm so if you will slip it under my top and place it on my mid section."

He nodded his head and sat on the coffee table while I rolled onto my back and watched as he slipped his hands under my shirt and placed them on my midsection.

I moaned out from how it was a huge relief.

"That good huh?"

"You have no idea how much of a difference my stomach feels with your hands being really warm and just placed on my stomach."

He leaned over and kissed me which with how I was feeling I decided to deepen the kiss.


Auggy had went and got me some menstrual items along with some dinner that he decided he was gonna make.

"Alright love I want you to stay here on the couch while I go fix us some dinner. then I will come get you when its ready ok."

"Yea, I will just lay here and watch some movie or show."


He kissed my forhead and walks off into the kitchen. While I turn on the tv and flick thru the channels till I find some old cartoons.

While the food cooked he would come in and check on me make sure I was doing alright or just cuddle as he waited for dinner to cook.

Once everything was all done and put together he came back into the living room and scooped me up before carrying me into the dining room where he sat me in a chair and pushed it up to the table then served me some chicken and mushroom.

Once everything was all done and put together he came back into the living room and scooped me up before carrying me into the dining room where he sat me in a chair and pushed it up to the table then served me some chicken and mushroom

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"I could seriously just marry you right now" I tell him

"Eat then tell me how you feel" he replies.

"I still would want to marry you even if I wasn't eating."

He sits before me and pours us some wine.

We talked the whole time we ate then he did the dishes before he took me upstairs where he set up a bath so we both could relax. Well, It was for me only but I told him we both needed it and I would only get in if my future husband did.

 After we got cleaned up we cuddled up in bed and he rubbed the cramps away.

"Next week baby you and I will elope I dont care who knows it and who don't you have taken care of me better then anyone. and this is just one day of the whole Menstrual cycle. But I dont care I am marrying you next week." I tell him

"I will be sure to make an opening in my planner" he replies then kisses me before going back to his task at hand which is easing my cramps.

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