What the hell

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My day was relaxing, there was nothing bothering me. Work was peaceful which is a first, I got everything I needed to be done.

Yet there was a feeling I had that told me that something was gonna change this whole realxing feeling.

I don't know what the new feeling would be or what would change my realxing feeling.


I walked down the stairs and seen Henry sitting on the couch with Kal somewhere in the house.

"Hi baby how was your outting?" I asked him as I walked around the couch and joined him.

He looks over at me from his phone for a brief minute then back.

"It was good, had lunch with my agent talking about possible additions" he said

I nodded my head and looked from him down to his phone which isn't his new phone it's his old but that isn't what I am worried about. what I am worried or mad about is his background picture is of one of his exs.

"Can I see your new phone love?"

He reaches in his pocket and grabs it then hands it to me.

I turn the screen on and type in the code before seeing the background pic is of his ex and then headed to his gallery and seen multipule pictures of his exs. & none of me what so ever.

I was seething, I was heartbroken, I was beyond upset.

I was no longer relaxed like I was before.

Now I am torn and want to rage.


"So they mean more to you then I do?" I asked

He looked at me

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't insult my intellengence Henry, you know what is on these phones and you know I would find them. So own up to it Henry" I tell him

He looks at me and sighs.

"We are still friends so why not keep the pictures?"

"Are you kidding me Henry? seriously?"

"What, I really see nothing wrong."

I placed his phone down and rubbed my face. I dropped my hand and looked at him.

"I can't belive you Hnry, I mean you honestly are sitting here telling you that you see no issues what so ever that your phones old and new has your exs photos. and no photos what so ever of me."

When he said nothing I sighed and stood up about to leave but I turned around and looked at him.

"I it even worth us being together if your that hung up on your exs. I mean really what realtionship would this be if I was ok with you having pictures of your ex in your phone and none of me."

He again said nothing.

" Well till things change this realtionship is paused."

"What does that mean?"

"It means as of now we are not with each other, yea we are lving together but that is it.. I will not be in a realtionship with anyone that is so hung up on their exs that both their old and new phones are full of their picture."

With that said I walked off to collect myself and think of all I was about to do.

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