| Prolog |

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this is just the exact same as in the original au that i wrote although there is an important message, kinda at the bottom!

Izuku POV

I coughed up some blood, unknowing to my dad. "Is that all the fight you've got in you?" my dad asked while cracking his knuckles. "How do you expect to be a better hero than that bully of yours?" he asked me. I didn't want to beat him though. Why would I want to defeat my c- friend? My mom walked into the room as I stood back up. "Yes dear?" he asked her. "Izu's report card came in!" she exclaimed while holding the still sealed envelope.

Oh god.

Here we go.

Dad walked over towards my mom and the two looked over my report card. My Mom's phone in her pocket was ringing so she looked down and answered. "Hello?"


"Oh really? I'm happy for him! Tell you boys I said hi!" (by boys she meant Bakugo and his dad) My mom then hung up. "Well, apparently Katsuki got all A's." she told my father and I. "What's with the B, sport?" my dad asked me. "I refused to use my Quirk in PE...." I mumbled hesitantly. "Why not? You have two amazing Quirks!" my dad exclaimed. He clearly doesn't understand.

I just stayed quiet, knowing that my real response won't please either of them. "We're done with training for the day." Dad told me. I don't understand what's wrong. "How do you expect to be a great hero like me if you can't get better grades than your bully?" he asked me. I just stayed quiet, choosing not to answer. He just sighed and left the training room. My mom tusked and walked over towards me.

"How do you expect to get ahead if you can't even get good grades?" she questioned me. I did get good grades! "I did get good grades! I got all A's and one B." I argued. Before I knew it, I heard the soft smacking noise of her hand coming in contact with my cheek. My left cheek was burning, stinging as I could tell how a new bruise was starting to form. She gripped me by my hair and looked me with her cold, piercing toxic green eyes.

"How are you supposed to be a top hero like your father with that B?" she questioned, a harsh tone accompanying her words. "That B can ruin your whole future as a hero." she hissed out. "What do you expect me to do to fix it?" I hissed right back. "Take extra classes. I don't care. Just do it." she said before letting my hair go.

She left the room, leaving me alone. I sighed heavily and got up. I walked back to my room and changed, after taking a quick shower. I was doing my homework when my phone buzzed. I looked at it to see a notification for some villain attack.

"All Might takes down group of robbers down town at-"

I just groaned mentally. All Might this, All Might that. What about the other heroes? And at a small store down town? What'd he do? Interested, I clicked the link and started reading up on the event.

"The robbers were left in critical condition after All Might used a powerful and string blast to save the day."

'Save the day'? SAVE THE DAY?? Is everyone forgetting how he left human beings in CRITICAL CONDITION! The hell is wrong with people? Why does my parents want me to be like them? Like my dad... He did the exact same thing!

I sighed heavily and just shut my phone off before finishing up my homework. When I was done, it was about 9 pm. I put my homework into my bookbag for tomorrow and climbed into bed. I plugged my phone in to charge and turned off my nightstand lamp. I got under my covers, just a plain gray with white bedsheets.

After that I drifted off into a deep sleep.

"Who am I kidding? I know you all want to be heroes!" the teacher shouted while tossing the papers up in the air. I rolled my eyes as the class started showing off their Quirks. After the teacher got them to stop, Kacchan went on about how he was going to be the only one to become a hero and enter UA.. blah blah blah. All that shit.

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