Tobio gritted his teeth, trying to not flinch. This person liked to yell, much to Tobio's dismay.

The new person, now introduced as Nishinoya by Tanaka, continued talking, asking Tobio about his serve and so on. Tobio tuned the conversation out when they stopped talking to him.

He's probably the libero. Good. We only need an ace left.


Apparently Tobio was wrong, they still needed an ace and a libero. Noya-san decided to not join until this "Asahi" - that was the name right? - came back. Tobio didn't get why, but then again it had something to do with feelings, and Tobio had non of that.

Takeda had run in one day and announced a practice match with -thankfully not that team- Nekoma, on old rival of Karasuno, during the final day of golden week. And they got a new coach, who happened to be Former Coach Ukai's grandson.

Eventually it got sorted out, during a practice match with the neighbourhood team that the coach set up. Tobio was a little sad that Coach Ukai was Couch Ukai's grandson, but getting an official ace and libero were good too. it did make Hinata needlessly clumsy, wanting to be like Azumane-san.

"As long as I'm here, you're invincible!"

Huh, that felt good.

Hinata went back to his normal - boke - self.


Thursday, one of the few days Tobio didn't have any guitar classes. At first he wanted to just rest, maybe play a bit of volleyball at the park, but seeing his empty fridge, he decided to go buy groceries. Golden week was going to start on the next Monday, and Tobio was pretty sure food was provided, so he only had to buy groceries for the next three days.

That's good. I need to buy a new bottle of make up. Why is it so expensive??

Tobio walked from aisle to aisle, picking up the stuff he needed. He was running out of rice, eggs, some vegetables, spices, bacon, bread and.... his hand hovered over hid papa's favourite candy. Should I buy it? I haven't had it in a while.... but I don't think I have enough money.

Tobio decided against it, slowly making his way to the make up aisle. He searched for the brand he always used, he'd bought it here multiple times so he knew exactly where it would be. Except... it wasn't there. Of course.

Maybe he should but it elsewhere. Tobio thinks he has half a bottle left. But then again, he wasn't sure. Should he take the risk? He does have his undershirts and bracelets after all.... but those got hot and annoying after a while. Tobio decided to just search the aisle for a different brand, maybe he could find a cheaper one? Or one that's actually waterproof. Maybe if he's lucky, he could find his usual brand somewhere else. Tobio mindlessly walked down the aisle, when someone called him.


Tobio looked up from his bottle of concealer and almost dropped it when he saw Kindaichi.

"Kindaichi... I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize! Especially about volleyball. Cause I won't either"


"We were never friends!"

"Ok" That came out a bit shaky for Tobio's comfort. Were we never friends? At all? Am I that pathetic that no one wants to even associate with me?

"To me, you're still the same tyrant king you were in middle school. We might've lost the other day, but we'll win the next time."

"Next time, we'll win."

Kindaichi opened his mouth to say something, when his mom called out to him.

"Yuutarou! Let's go, sweetie."

"Coming mom!"

Kindaichi walked away, not without a final glare. Tobio didn't pay it mind, he was distracted by another figure in the background. Brown, meticulously styled hair, and critical eyes. Oikawa-san. Luckily the older setter wasn't looking at him, instead he was inspecting a bag of candy. Tobio quickly grabbed the concealers he was inspecting and walked away, trying to be discrete.

He thought he was safe, but when he reached the counter, he got two unpleasant surprises. One, Oikawa was there, and two, Iwaizumi was the cashier. Shit.



Sorry for the long wait! And sorry if the spacing in between the "paragraphs" are different, usually I write on my phone and just copy it to Wattpad and Ao3 but this time I wrote it on Ao3 first so when I copied it the spacing became off so- Anyway, hope you enjoyed this so far!! Your comments are so lovely I just- 🤧🤧💞💞💞💞

Incapable of Love | IwaOiKageحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن