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I had hoped that it was a dream. A childish nightmare. But when my mind uncontrollably re-winded the day's events, I knew it was all too raw and too real.

The company group chat flooded, with many of them talking about the incident which I had no more vitality left within me to scrutinize their messages. Instead, my eyes focused on the latest information which his manager had sent, about his ward details and visitation timings.

I looked at the time and it was half-past twelve. I looked out of my window and noticed that the streets were bustling, friends hooking their arms around each other as they entered different restaurants and cafes. In comparison to the desolate streets a few hours before, the city was a lot more lively.

I sat up, brushing my fingers through the ends of my tangled hair. I felt the back of my eyes sting due to the aftermath of crying last night. I yawned, got up and started my morning routine.

I stuffed a slice of toasted bread in my mouth as I tied my hair into a low ponytail. I unplugged my phone from the charging port right beside my bed, and went to the search portals. Similarly, the front page was still flooded with news about JB and how JYP Entertainment had released a statement. My heart was heavy, but nevertheless, I tapped on the first article which was written by the most trustworthy media site.

My eyes scanned the words carefully, the melancholy mood instantly hanging over me like a black cloud. I took in a deep breath, munching on my toast bread slowly, fingers scrolling through the article. The company had spoken up about the matter, and had informed everyone that JB suffered certain injuries but was currently in a stable condition. That information calmed me a little, knowing that he was in the process of recovery. After all, he was a tough nut to crack.

It was nearly 1.30P.M. in the afternoon when I took a cab down to Seoul National University Hospital— also known as the most prestigious hospital in the city.

I alighted from the cab, closing the door with a loud pang behind me. The exterior of the hospital was august, and everything seemed to be of the most expensive and extravagant. Female nurses had their hair pulled neatly into a low bun, hands tucked inside the pockets of their scrubs. They entered the building with their own group of friends, chattering happily. I figured that it was the end of lunch break.

I walked into the hospital, and the metallic tang of stainless steel in the open air was unavoidable. No matter how esteemed the place may be, I was sure all hospitals smelled the same. I walked towards the information counter, and I could make out the wide smile of the counter lady despite her wearing a mask.

"Miss, how may I help you?" She asked. Even her voice was pretty.

I whipped out my phone from my pocket, scrolling to the group chat. I asked, "How do you get to Ward 8C?"

"Ah, are you visiting JB? Do you have your identification card? It's for security purposes."

I should have guessed. Even he was well-known in a hospital. I took out my identification card from my wallet and passed it to the lady. I watched as she scanned the barcode, before keying in some words on her computer. She passed the card back to me.

"It's on the eighth floor and after exiting the lift, turn right and keep walking straight." She informed me.

I bowed in thanks, and I quickly stride to the nearest lift.

I watched as the digits on the lift display increased as the seconds went. It was the highest floor, which also meant that it was bound to be the most expensive. When the lift doors opened, the gloominess and unsettling silence of the hallway seeped into my pores. My heart beat a lot more morosely, and my steps became heavier and shorter. The heels of my ankle boots clicked with every step I took, sounding extra loud on the cold marble floor.

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