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I sat uncomfortably in my seat with my laptop placed before me. We were going to vote and finalise the different style and fittings for JB's upcoming single. The conference table occupied almost the entire stretch of the meeting room and there were at least a dozen people inside. They were mostly stylists I worked with, as well as several managing directors in the division working with JB that played a crucial role in his concept designs. Casual chit-chats unbroke the silence occasionally, while I would tap my fingers nervously on the table top. I expected everyone to hold some sort of expectations, a hope that their idea would get picked. It was no different for me, though I leaned more towards the wishful thinking side, because I knew hierarchy and popularity played a significant role in such a voting process, especially in an industry like that.

"Is everyone here?" The moment we heard Ms. Kwon's voice, we stood up from our seats immediately, with some of the more enthusiastic employees greeting her with gusto. She dismissed our greetings, placing her belongings at the end of the table.

"Those who are running for today's elections," she informed everyone. Her diction made the atmosphere tensed and I honestly believed the "elections" shouldn't be considered such a major thing. She made it seem like a harsh competition, but I guessed it was a norm and I just wasn't used to it yet. "Can you all pin your ideas on the board?"

There were six of us, including Ms. Kwon. I was the youngest out of all who were involved in brainstorming and running for the "elections". We heeded her orders, carrying our individual vanguard sheet with us and walked over to the board. Everyone seemed to be fighting for the middle spot as if there were some feng shui I didn't know about. Admitting defeat, I took the last spot on the far right.

Returning to my seat, I scanned all the ideas on the board. They ranged from extremely striking ones to a more mellowed down design like mine. I was positive mine wouldn't be picked considering the lack of star qualities it emanated and it being in the least noticeable spot wasn't helping at all. I sighed, staring at my fingers, each one having its own band-aid after nights of sewing the sample piece.

"If everyone is done, we will start." Ms. Kwon clapped her hands, taking a sip from her cup of coffee after. I sat upright on my seat, picking my nails. I was actually really nervous.

"You forgot about me." In an orotund voice, he made his grand entrance through the doors with his manager walking beside him. Everyone gasped in surprise, including Ms. Kwon. No one knew JB would be here that day. We stood up instinctively, bowing our heads.

"O-oh, will you be joining us today?" Ms. Kwon asked, her voice quivering and a little hesitant. I had never seen her so timid before.

"I think I deserve to participate in today's selection process," he spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. He had his hands tugged in his pockets which made him look extra cocky, though I knew he wasn't like that. It was just one of his traits as the JB everyone knew. An employee provided him with a chair and he plopped down, leaning against the backrest and crossed his legs. "After all, it concerns me, doesn't it?"

I was sitting at the furthest end of the conference table yet I still took note of his gaze towards me. I cleared my throat and looked down, unsure of the purpose of his actions. As far as I knew, he never took part in the selection process.

"Of- of course you do!" Ms. Kwon resounded. There seemed to be a layer of unpleasantness hovering above the senior workers. It was as if JB wasn't welcomed there, and I genuinely looked forward to seeing how the day would play out.


Going in order of the positions on the board, I was the last one to present and to appeal my idea. We were to prepare a one minute speech to introduce our ideas for the last time before moving into the voting process.

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