chapter 8: famliy secrets

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When we were walking home we stopped at veronica house 1st so she could grab something.

When we got to Archie's house he was already ready waiting for us. So we just waited for betty to grab her laptop from her house.
When betty got her laptop we went and sat in archie garage. I was going to put the flash drive in Betty's computer but jughead stopped me.
"Are you sure you want to do this?". He said grabbing my hand.
"Yes I'm sure.". I said pulling my hand away from his.
So I put the flash drive in the computer. Betty played the video.
It was jason tied up to a chair with a head wound. A serepent was taunting him. A couple minutes later he left and my father came in. He was yelling at jason. I felt my eyes start to water. He then brought out a gun and held it to Jason's head. He then shot him in the head.
I didn't cry. I was paralyzed I couldn't move . Then I remembered that cheryl was in the house with my father. I then grabbed my phone dialed cheryl's number. " cheryl get out of the house now!". I said
"Why sister.". She replied back.
"Father killed our brother I have proof! Get out now!". I screamed.
"Ok I understand.". She said.
I hung up grabbed my things and tried to leave, but archie and jughead stopped me. "Are you sure you want to go back there?". Archie said.
"I'm not going back there I'm going to the police.". I said.
"Well we are coing with you.". Jughead said.
" I dont care who comes with me. I just care that my father goes to jail.". I said.
When we got the police station I just told them what happened and left betty to show them the video. I couldn't leave cheryl alone. She can defend herself perfectly fine. It's just she is my sister I worried about her. She's fragile always has. Jug let me use his motorcycle to get there quicker.
When I got there I saw the barn door open. I ran thinking of what my dad could be doing to them.
When I got to the barn doors my held a pistol to my dads head. Making him commit what it looked like to be suicide. Cheryl wasnt there. I began to panic. My heard me hyperventilating and said "viola! Go make sure Cheryl's okay!".
I didn't hesitate I ran to the house. I could hear faint sirens in the distance. I didn't care. I basically kicked the door down going into the house.
"cheryl! Cheryl! Where are you?!". I screamed.
"In here!" She said. I could hear her sobbing in the dining room.
"Its ok cheryl. Please dont cry.". I said trying to calm her down.
"Where's mom?". She managed to ask through her sobs
"Shes taking care of it.". I say with a straight face.
By the time the police got here my mom was already back from that. When the police showed up my mom and cheryl were to hysterical to do anything . So I told them where dad "ran".
It look like a suicide so that's what it was confirmed as.
I realized that I haven't cryed since I got home. I didnt feel like crying. I felt empty inside.
Later, that night before cheryl and I went to bed. She asked if we could have a sleepover. She said she didn't know what she would do if she was alone. I said yes of course.
Cherl and I went to school the next day. Our mom wouldn't let us stay home.
When we walked into school everybody's eyes were on us. They whispered about us and our family. I saw that cheryl was about to cry so I grabbed her wrist and drug her to the locker room.
"Dont cry cheryl. Let them talk about us. Let them be gossips.". I said.
It seemed to calm her down enough to go to our 1st class. It was just in time for the bell to ring.
Every just kept staring at us. They wouldn't take there eyes off us. "What are we celebrity's. Keep your judgements to yourself. Fuck off and get to class.". I screamed.
Everyone listened to me, Except jughead. He just stood there staring at me with a happy look in his face.
I didnt ask why, I just went to class. I was fed up with people. I didnt want to talk to you.
In class, a ball of paper was thrown at me. I opened it up and it said "guess what - juggy".
I wrote back "what jug.".
He wrote back " betty and I are back together."
I felt a sharp pain through my chest as I read this. I wrote "I'm happy for you.".
The truth was I wasnt happy for them. I was heartbroken. I've had a crush on jughead for years. We finally were getting close.
I just sat through school trying to help cherl stay calm. After school I took cheryl home and went to the white worm to hang out with the serpents.
I was talking with toni when betty and jughead walked in here holding hands. I scoffed so only toni could hear me. "What's the Northside princess doing here?". Sweet pea asked.
"Sweet pea! Not in the mood for your narcissistic comments.". I said before jughead could say anything.
"What are you gonna do about it?". He said trying to test me.
I wasnt having of it. I grabbed him by the collar and yanked his face inches away from mine. "I'm am having a bad day. do you want to be the object I take my anger out on?". I said.
He didnt say anything else he just sat down and stayed quiet. I went back to my coversation with toni.
         A couple minutes later betty sat at the bar. While me and toni behind the bar. " I didn't know you could do that.". Betty said.
          "Then you dont know me at all.". I said cleaning glasses.
           "Hows your sister cheryl?". Toni asked.
           "Shes coping. I'm trying to get her to go to therapy. I'm making little progress, but it's a start.". I said.
           "That's good.". Fangs said joining the coversation.
            Just then, my phone made a slight dinging sound, meaning I had a text. It was from cheryl . It read "I love you sister, but I have to be with jason now.".
            "Be with jason now? what does that mean?".   I asked showing all them the text.
             "Wasnt he found in sweetwater river?". Fangs said.
             "Yes he was.". I said.
             Then I realized  what she was  going to do. I began to do something I haven't done in a while, cry. "She is going to kill her self. We need to get to sweetwater river call archie!".  I said running out of the white worm with everyone else trailing behind me.


I really just decided that I'm only gonna do ten chapters because I'm loosing interest in this story.

The hidden  story  of Viola Blossom Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon