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This is you :

(I am aware that is Charli)You are a 19 year old girl that has a passion for dance and art

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(I am aware that is Charli)
You are a 19 year old girl that has a passion for dance and art . You are a party animal sometimes but also very responsible . You have gotten many scholarships and good grades ever since the first grade. You don't really believe in make up and just go natural. You have only had one boyfriend and he was nice and sweet but it just didn't work out, he is now your best friend . You have a lot of girl friends and you are very close to them . They all agreed to go to the same college so they would never be seperated. You did gymnastics and cheer so your pretty flexible. You are very organized and don't like to be in drama , but you will talk shit and fire back . You have 80.3 million followers on Tik tok , 78.2 million on instagram , and 15.6k subscribers on YouTube. Today is the day I move into my dorm at ( the school of your chose) but the best part is I get to see who my new dorm mates are I am very excited. I woke up very early to get ready for the day and pick up the girls to spend the day being high schoolers for the last time. I went to Starbucks and Dunkins got there orders and maybe I bought them donuts too. I knocked on their doors and picked them up . Let me introduce you to my squid shall we.

This is Addison or in our friends group her name is Addi

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This is Addison or in our friends group her name is Addi. She is the sweet and beautiful girl in our group she can be energetic and always has a smile . When she pouts it is so cute other than that she is perfect.

 When she pouts it is so cute other than that she is perfect

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This is Charli our friends call her CharChar it is cute. She is sweet and quiet but is talented at dancing . She is a very shy person but once you get to know her she is so hyper and funny.

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