Coincidence or Luck

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Kara's POV

It has gotten dark and we have been walking among the trees along the road for a few hours, we finally found a city. While we walk down into an ally from the many hills along the tree line Cole hasn't said a word. I can tell why...we are here, this is the beginning of another journey, and this time it might be longer than two years. What are we going to do? It seems like there is nothing left to do. The street lights are along the roads, there isn't anyone in sight. They must all be at home, sleeping. I've never had the privilege of being able to sleep in a proper bed, or even have carpet under my feet. Most people take what they have for granted, but I've learned to be grateful for everything I have. And that isn't much, but it's something. Sometimes I wonder if there is someone out there that has it worse than me and Cole, but then I remember, there is no one else like us. I have wondered before if anyone else has the type of connection like us, but I doubt it. Some people might think, that what we have is a gift or special or something, but I don't think so, it has only ever caused trouble. It might even be the reason we don't have parents. 

"Kara, are you ok?" Cole snaps me out of my thoughts, he must've felt something was wrong.   

"Yeah I'm fine just, thinking." Cole knows I think a lot, about everything, sometimes I wonder if he is curious about anything thought. That is one emotion I don't feel from him very often. I don't have any questions though, I'm not so sure I want to know why we are like this. I don't know if Cole wants to know, we have never really talked about it before, surprisingly. 

We get to a street corner of a street named June street. There are street lamps all along the road, but no one in sight. It is quiet all around, it feels like a cloak that will keep us safe. But we both know we arn't safe, we can never be. What we were born with, constantly puts us in danger. We can never have a normal life, it scares me, but I don't really know what a normal life is, but I know it isn't this. 

We start walking to the street, turning to the next, when we hear a blaring sound of sirens. I look all around and see an ambulance the street down, I sigh feeling relieved. 

"Come on." Cole says. We usually find a abandon house or something to hide in for a while. That's what we are looking for. As we walk onto the next street I hear something, someone actually.

"What you two doing out here then?" A boy about our age jumps down of a ledge of someone's house, he has an accent just like the man that tried to take us. Cole steps forward. 

"It's none of your business." The boy shrugs.

"You look lost to me, just trying to help." He mumbles under his breath. He looks at me, and smiles, Cole notices and shakes his head. 

"We don't need your help." Cole says to him.

"Oh, so you are lost?" He replies quickly. Cole grunts, feeling annoyed.

"We just don't know this town, we are, exploring, we'll find our way, we don't need help though." I say, speaking up.

"Let's just go Kara." Cole grabs my arm and pulls me. 

"Hey! Let go, that's not cool." The boy says, grabbing Coles arm, causing Cole to react. I sigh, I really don't want another fight. Cole pushes him away at first, but the boy comes back punching Cole. I get a stinging feeling on the right side of my face. 

"Stop it!" I yell, trying to pull them apart. The boy is trained, like Cole, but Cole manage to pull him away, while I get between them. I face the stranger we just met. "What is your problem?" I hold my side, where he hit Cole. The boy furrows his eyebrows, suspecting something. 

"What, what happened to you?" He asks. I look at Cole for help. We start walking away. "No, it's ok, I know who you are, and why you're here, please hear me out, I'm really sorry about what just happened, it wasn't intended though, I promise." I stop and look at Cole.

"What is he saying?" I ask but he just keeps walking, I stop and walk back over to the boy.

"Kara?" I hear Cole say from behind me.

"Who are you?" I ask him intently.

"My name is Ethan, I'm from England, and I was brought here by, well you probably met him, tall, intimidating, has an accent, and he probably went to your orphanage." I look at him wide eyed, how does he know us. Cole walks up to him.

"How do you know that?" Cole asks him, Ethan raises his eyebrows.

"Which part?" He puts his hands in his pockets and walks back and forth. 

"All of it." Cole gets annoyed with him.

"Well I've know my name because-" He start saying.

"No, about the guy that tried to take us, and why did he bring you here?"

"Oh to bad, how I got my name is an interesting story." He says shaking his head. "I know him, because he did the same thing to me, took me from the orphanage I was in, and he took me here, I ran away though, but lucky for me, I'm lost in America so-" He's about to say more but I stop him.

"How did you know about us, that he tried to take us?" He looks at me like it should be obvious. 

"I didn't, not at first, until I saw what happened with you after I fought your brother and won." Cole give him a look, but Ethan shrugs it off. Cole steps up.

"How did you know?" Cole asks more intently, wanting an honest answer.

"Because I'm like you...why do you think Max tried taking you, yep, that's him name, anyways, its because there's a group of people that are looking for people with abilities, and he's one of them." I look at Cole, does this mean, that there are others out there like Cole and I.

"What is your, ability?" I ask curiously, I don't know if he is telling the truth, but what else could explain what he knows? Ethan shakes his head.

"Sorry, can't tell you that." Cole furrows his eyebrows.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because, you probably aren't going to tell yours." Ethan says raising his eye brows as if asking if he's wrong. He has a point though, we probably won't, at least not until we know him, if we get to know him. Cole is always saying that we can't trust anyone. I can feel that Cole, doesn't like Ethan, but he also feels, relieved. Probably about knowing more about why we are running or something. 

I pull Cole off to the side, away from Ethan, and face away.

"What are you thinking?" I whisper to Cole, he shakes his head.

"I can already tell, it isn't going to matter what I think is it?" 

"Of course it matters, but I think we should try and trust him, I think I have a good feeling." He laughs sarcastically.

"You think?" He considers for a second. "We can give him a chance." Cole says with a sigh as we turn back to Ethan.

"If you do one thing out of line-" Cole starts saying to Ethan.

"You can stay with us for the time being." I say but Cole still gives him a threatening look.

"Sure, that's what I was going to say, I really don't know my way around America, and I need help" He says seeming embarrassed. 

"Tell us more about what you know." I say. "And do you know anywhere we can get out of this cold?" I ask Ethan.

"Yeah, that I do know." We follow him into the house that the ledge he was sitting on belongs to. It looks in really good condition, doesn't seem abandon, but we wouldn't be in here if it wasn't. I look at Ethan, what are the odds that we would run into him, is it a coincidence? I think about it. I shake my head. I think for once, maybe we might've gotten lucky with a friend. Maybe, I don't consider him someone I know yet, let alone a friend. Whether it was a coincidence or not, I just hope its on the good side of things.                                                   

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