要約 (summary)

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❀If there's one thing to be sure of, it's that no one messes with the lady of the house, especially a Geisha house. The same routine follows the women servers; get up, serve the customers, entertain, clean up, and sleep. Disturbances in their daily rituals would bring turmoil. 

There are only 3 main rules of the geisha house,

1. Please take your shoes off once inside the building,

2. Do not speak inapproprately to the geishas, 

3. Keep your hands to yourselves

One who cannot keep up with these rules is not worthy of service, even if you're a corporate owner and his son. Treat a geisha well, she may fall in love. Break her heart however, and she may seek revenge.❀ 

*Please enjoy.* 

- author 

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