Chapter : Falling Apart Again

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I shoot straight up when I wake up. I just had a nightmare. It was horrible.

Snow was killing everyone I've ever loved slowly and one by one. It felt like it went on forever.

I look to my right and see that Peeta's not here. A bunch of thoughts start running through my mind.

Where did he go? Did he leave me? Did he realize I wasn't worth it and left?
I wouldn't blame him. I'm horrible and evil and a mutt. I'm everything he sees during his flashbacks.

I start to hyperventilate and I don't know what to do. I'm freaking out.

"Peeta! P-Peeta where are you?!" I yell.
'He's not here Katniss, he hates you.' a voice in my head says.
'No, he loves you. He'd never leave.' says another.
Great, now I really think I'm crazy.

I get up and pace. I try to calm myself down but it's not working.
I'm freaking out so bad right now.
There's too many voices that are in my head.
"No! No! Stop it! Stop, please!" I repeat over and over as I drop to my knees. I look up and there he is.


No that can't be. He's dead. This isn't real.
"I am very much real, Ms. Everdeen. I came to finish what I started." He's smirking at me.

I try to move but I'm frozen with fear. He starts walking towards me and all I can do is scream and close my eyes.

"Katniss? Katniss it's okay. It's not real. It's fake. I'm here now."
Peeta? That can't be I saw him die...unless he's a mutt. Did Snow send him?

I push him away and run down the stairs. I don't even bother with shoes as I run out the front door. I don't know where I'm going. I guess I'll just keep running until I can't.

I run and run. Ignoring the stares as I run through the seam to get to the forest.

I look behind me real fast to see if I'm being followed and when I look forward again I trip on something and hit my head on a rock.

"Katniss!" I hear a faint voice yell. Still far enough away that they can't see me.
I get up ignoring the pain on my head and run again.

I get a bit further when I decide to climb a tree.
I pick a really tall tree and climb to the middle.

My head is now throbbing and I touch where it hit the rock.
I pull my hand away and there's a bunch of blood. I didn't realize it was that bad.

I hear a twig snap and I look in the direction of where I heard it.
Of course.
Peeta, the mutt, is here and he brought Haymitch. I don't know what for though.

Maybe to help him hunt me down and kill me.
As much as I want to die, I don't wanna die by the hands of a Peeta look alike.

"Katniss?" Haymitch calls,"Sweetheart just come out. We're not gonna hurt you."
'Bullshit' I think to myself.

Haymitch looks like he's thinking hard then says,"Wait. Look in the trees."
Oh shit. Fuck you Haymitch.

They both start to look up the trees and I hope to god that they don't look where I am. I close my eyes.

"Found you!" Haymitch yells.
Crap! I can't even hide good.

"Go away! You're all just mutts. You're not real. Leave me alone!" And as always, the tears start to fall.

"Katniss get down here right now! It's what you're thinking that's not real."
'Okay.' I thought.

I stand up onto the branch I was sitting on and let go of the tree.
'I'll come down.'

I see both their eyes go wide.
"I didn't mean that way Katniss!"
I can't tell he's getting frustrated. It's kind of wobbly on here. But it feels nice.

The cool air blowing through me, the smell of nature, freedom. It feels great up here. I want to stay here always.
I go to step off when I feel arms wrap around me pinning me to the tree.
I look at the person and I can't believe it.

Johanna Mason. This is a huge surprise. I'm very shocked. What the hell is she doing here?

She smirks and says,"Nice to see you too, Brainless."
I'm still speechless.

"Kat climb slowly down tree now" she demands.
I shake my head. "No. Leave me alone!"
I look down at Peeta worriedly.

"Katniss it's okay. He's not a mutt. That's the real Peeta down there. You're just having a flashback. Just climb down with me."
I believe her for some reason. I climb down slowly with her like she said.

When we get to the bottom I hold her hand out of fear.
"It's okay." She whispers. "Peeta walk over here slowly." She says in a now normal voice.
He starts walking and I squeeze her hand harder.
"He's the real Peeta. Let him show you." By now he's in front of me and Johanna puts my shaky hand in his.

"Is it really you?"
"Ask me anything you want."
I think for a bit then ask,"What did you say to me after I asked you to stay with me that one night on the train?"
I ask that because there's no way Snow could've touched that memory.

He cups my check with his other hand and whispers,"Always."

I feel so relieved. It's him. It's my Peeta. I hug him tightly then move to kiss him.
After a while I hear Jo say,"Okay, that's enough love birds." I turn to look at her and she's smirking at me.

Then Haymitch says,"When the hell did this happen?"
Oh right. He doesn't know.

I blush and say,"Yesterday."
"Peeta what did you do to her? She's actually blushing."
I glare at him. "Shut up Haymitch."
He just chuckles.

Well this wasn't how I expected this day to start.


Hey guys! I was wondering who's all reading & actually likes this story?
Is it getting boring or what?


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