02: Real me

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Bakugo p.o.v

Inko funeral day

As that old hag told me to stay with that damn nerd which i dont and as i was about to leave, i have a feeling that told me to go back to inkos funeral maybe i left something there i think and i began to walk back but i stop because its suddenly start to raining so i run but at some point when i saw deku still there looking at her mother but he look like he was talking either than crying

I was shock myslef as i blink my eyes and see he was crying again
Maybe that was just my feeling or my eyes is broken i was zoom out until a voice snap me out

"Ouh hey there kachan" i saw deku with a puff eyes and i was worried. Dont get me wrong i always worried about this kid at some point

I only give him a 'tch' and leaving there alone

Deku p.o.v

Just only a one week an i can take this mask off and meet them
I smirk and go back to my home

Time skip at deku house

'Phew' i sigh as done cleaning the house, must wondering how i got money to keep paying for my leaving well i got my own way i mean from my dad from paris

Well im been contacting him since 5 months ago and he know about inko funurel.

I sit down on the couch. I picked up my phone to a massage

Slay group
11:09 p.m

Xxx5: so i heard she ded?

Xxx1: well at least you free from hell

Xxx2: okay! You won the bet

I know i could have won it: deku

Know where mah money: deku

Xxx3: geez bruh....

Bos: well bby im gonna make sure he pay it

Aww thnks bb:deku

Bos: you know you could count on me

Xxx7:eww love bird

Xxx3: btw hope to see you at U.A

Xxx4: yeah

Xxx2: cant wait

Xxx5: hope they have more seat

Ofc they already prepare it and cant wait to see you guys: deku

Xxx6: did they know were your freind?

Bos: bet they dont


Bos:i knew it

Xxx7: aww izuku how did they treat you beside that bitch inko

Xxx1: ouh i know i know!

Bos: they better treat you great

Xxx1: bad!

Xxx3: bad!

Xxx2: if i go there and i found out you face have scar i wouldnt hesitate to kill someone

Xxx5: yeah its been awhile since last we have kill someone

Yeah, welll.......... tbey have treat me bad because of this mask :deku

But dont be worry cause it would wicked:deku

Bos: thats my babyboy

Xxx1: guys goodnight

Xxx3: night

Xxx2: bye , nightmare~

Xxx7: hope you guys have nice dream of killing poeple

I hope so, bye:deku

Bos: gudnight

Xxx5: sweet night

Xxx6: hope you guys

All ofline

"Cant wait tomorrow, hehe~" i get up and goes to sleep. As time sure goes fast and its already morning. RING RING RING "ugh shut the fuck up!" I smacked the clock and to the basic thing in the morning. I picked my phone "i still have 1 hour?! Really ugh whatever....." i open the chat to see my dad massage


06:45 a.m

Dad: i think its morning there

Dad: i bet u were lonely there

Dad: so i sent someone to keep your living stable.

After i read tha massage i heard my doorbell ringing. So i get up and walk to the door and

A/n: bruh the cat is cute

I see 2 butler and 5 maid not just that i also see 2 driver 4 cars
Umm my house is not that big........

Idk how many word

632 words actually


Zen out

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