Time to put down the bird

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) didn't have a good history with bugs... And so seeing a giant, talking, walking bug? Let's just say he wanted to destroy it quickly... But he held back.

Genos: what do you think Sensei?

(Y/n): well... He seems powerful.... So be careful...

Genos: right!

In a last ditch attempt Genos shot a big fire blast to the creature to destroy it but it simply blew air out to redirect the fire back to us. I closed my eyes and waited for the fire to burn out.

(Y/n): hey Genos, are you alright!?

Genos: i-im fine

(1:48-2:35 and 4:00-end)

Everyone was shocked except for the ones who knew your strength. You finished screaming and looked at Riser seriously. Riser was startled and tried to attack (Y/n) while he wasn't looking with a barrage of fire attacks.

Riser: y-you damn jerk! How dare you kill Risers greatest weapon! How dare you come and intervene with the marriage... Riser was gonna become king of the underworld once Sirzech's stepped down!

Thinking that he bested (Y/n)... He stopped his attack and looked on with a gleeful smirk 'knowing' he has won until the smoked cleared and he seen an pissed off (Y/n).

(Y/n): you know... I was mad at a few things... And now you said that? I'm pissed... Well I got one question then for you Riser...


(Y/n) started to menacingly walk slowly to Riser every devil felt his aura and shook where they sat down... But Riser he had the front row seat of what's to come. (Y/n) raised a fist and continue to walk to Riser afraid to move an inch knew his fate has been sealed and closed his eyes until...

???: S-stop! Don't k-kill him!

(Y/n) stopped a few feet away and seen a girl standing in front Riser. He had an irritated look on his face while riser opens his eyes to see his sister there.

(Y/n): and give me a good reason why I shouldn't?

???: b-because he's m-my brother...

(Y/n): ...I said good reason... Not pointless...

???: U-uh....

(Y/n): and I got more good reasons why I should!

???: W-what do you mean?

(Y/n): 1. If the roles were reversed somehow... You think he would spare me? 2. He is like Issei but more powerful at the moment... So give me a reason for him to live?

She was silent but started to cry and beg softly to let him live... Okay... When God made women and men... Did he create a secret weakness the boys so when a girl cries we feel the need to do as they say because of guilt?... If I was to meet him... We would have a few discussions about that! But in the mean time I sighed and pat her head. She looked up to me with tears coming out of her eyes.

(Y/n): what's your name?

Ravel: R-ravel...

(Y/n): ...even if your brother is in the wrong... You still will sacrifice yourself to save him cause he's your family right?

She nodded softly and I sighed again and moved her to the side and gets close to Riser.

(Y/n): I'll let you live... Under some conditions... If you don't follow through... You die, understand!?

All riser could do was nod

(Y/n): good... 1. Stop talking in third person! It gets annoying! 2. Treat your teammates with better respect then just your 'objects' 3. Stop being a smug bastard and be over confident in yourself! Just because you haven't lost once yet dosent mean there's not person out there that's never gonna beat you! Okay!?

Riser just nodded again and I gave a nod in understanding way and I started to walk away until...

Ravel: wait!

(Y/n): hm?

He turned to look at Ravel and Riser.

Riser: th-thanks for s-spareing Ri- uh- me...

Ravel: what's your name?!

(Y/n): well... It's (Y/n)...

(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/N)


Done and done! Have a good day!

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