Chapter 4: Lance meets Jac

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In Rome at the Trevi foundation, Lance stopped to observe the view and a woman stood beside him lost in the beauty as she walked around accidentally slamming into him sending his stachel to the floor

"Oh sorry about that." The woman apologized quick to pick it back up "I didn't see you."

"It's okay, thanks." Lance smiled as she handed the bag back lifting her head

"Oh no.... Oh..." She replied grabbing some tissues and wiping at the coffee that he had split "I'm so sorry, I can be so clumsy at times."

"Oh shit, I didn't notice." Lance replied looking down to see the coffee "Damn it."

"That's funny." She replied dryly with a sigh

"Oh, oh no I wasn't mocking you." Lance replied quickly "I... it's embrassing to admit but I was starring at you."


"That makes me sound creepy." He groaned looking down

"Just a bit." She giggled "How about we start again, I'm sorry I bumped into you and spill you coffee, let me buy you another?"

Lance looked to see her hand out to him and looked back to her face while she smiled at him

"Sure, I'm Lance Sweets by the way."

"I'm... I'm Delphine Berger." She replied "Come on, I know a good place."

Walking to a nearby Cafe they spend a few hours sitting together and talking

"So what do you do?" Lance asked "You got to know me."

"I... I'm a student of history." She replied "I'm studying to get a degree in history."

"Nice, Delphine... isn't that...."

"French." She replied "I'm taking a gap year to enjoy the history around us."

Together they walked through Rome taking in the sights and getting to know each other and before deciding to go to a restaurant for dinner

A week had gone by, Lance and Jac were insperable as they spend time together when Lance brought up an issue

"You know we're being followed right." He asked out of the blue one day as they walked to the cafe "The car a cross from us and the couple behind."

Jac smiled pulling out her compact mirror and checking the reflection to see the couple

"Let's lose 'em." She smiled as she slipped out beside him grabbing his hand and running with him dragging along as they weaved through the streets ending on a staircase

In the stairwell

Jac had her back to the wall arms around Lance neck as his hand was up by her head, both catching their breath

"Come on admit it." She smirked leaning her head against his

"Your bad luck." Lance laughed as he looked in her eyes, neither of them moving

"Yea, so why don't you run." She replied

"I think I'll stay." Lance replied cutting off her reply by pushing up against her in a kiss

In present:

Angela POV:

"We'll there goes the tension." I replied

"Admit it, you missed me." Jac smirked as she wrapped her arms around Lance's neck and one of his hands against the small of her back "Come on, don't go breaking my heart now."

"As if I could." Lance shot back leaning in, resting his head against hers "You don't make things easy."

"You've never complainted." Jac replied before kissing him

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Booth yelled

"I've missed you." Lance admitted as he pulled back, eyes close head against hers "So very much."

"We're together now, the both of us." She smiled holding her hand out, he took it caution in his

"So Jac Booth is actually..."

"Jacqueline Booth - Sweets." She smiled tears in her eyes as she looked at Sweets "I'm his wife..."

Lance just smiled letting go of her hand in favor of wrapping both arms around her waist and hoisting her spinning her around before she moved her legs wrapping them around him as she leaned down kissing him properly

"Now that's the reunion we expected." Kira smirked before moving a chair behind Booth and patting his shoulder "You might want this."

"Oh God..." Booth groaned felling back into the chair

Lance just hugged her close, she tightened her arms, both refusing to let the other go

"So Jac has a heart..."

"Only when it comes to our family, others she not as open." Eli replied

"None of us are." Nik snapped at his partner

"Now that we've finally finished the family...." Kira started

"We've got the missing piece, not to finish." Rebekah gently nudged Jac, after Lance put Jac down, he kept his arms around her holding her close

"Come on." Jac called gently offering her hand out for Lance, Lance took her hand but before she could leave, she turned and went to head to the elevator only to stop when she realized he wasn't following and had gently tugged her back. Turning she cocked her head in confusion looking back at him "Lance?"

"Your missing something." Sweets smiled as she let him lead her back to him. He pulled gently at a chain around his neck revealing 4 rings and she replied with a softly smile. He took all four off handing the two men's ones to her right hand, held up the other two rings "I believe those belong to you."

She smiled with a soft warm laugh, her eyes glistening with tears as she held out her left hand "I've missed those, just like I've missed you, so very much."

"Well now..." Lance smiled as he slipped the rings back on to her hand before looking at her face, in her eyes "You'll never be without me or them again, you'll always have our promises."

"And now..." She replied slipping his ones back on to hand "You will too." Leaning up on her tip toes she captured him in a passionate kiss before pulling away showing her rings to the others

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Eli yelled arm slang over Nik shoulder as he used the air punch "Woah!"

"Eli..." Nik moaned as he moved slightly after Eli yelled in his ear

"Opps, sorry sweetheart." Eli apologized pressing a kiss to his partner cheek

"Anymore surprises?" Booth groaned as he slowly came too

"Just one more." Jac smiled

Booth unknown daughterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum