🦌Ieyasu Tokugawa {Mending a Broken You} [IkeSen]

Start from the beginning

She paused, to gather several more shaky deep breaths, while Ieyasu sat there, embracing her, as he listened to her story. At one point, Ieyasu could then see why Y/N was extremely afraid of them when she saw found out that everyone living here was a warlord. He also found Y/N to be fascinating..

Because although she was uncomfortable around a bunch of armed men, she could easily wear a smile on her face and ask them how their day was going. And he felt extremely bad for answering her in such harsh ways.

"...I was then placed in solitary confinement as I heard the tortured screams of all the other children, as the life left their bodies.."

Ieyasu took in a breath. Could people really be all that evil..?!

"Every single day, for eleven weeks, I would hear heart shattering screams as one child was killed per day.. How could I tell someome died..? It was an instinct I had developed over the years. So it was something natural..

But at the end of the eleven days of complete torture... My half-brother planned with my step-sister something bad. I knew this because of a tip I recieved in morse code from one of the children downstairs. I didnt know who it was, but it was helpful nonetheless..

Two days after getting a morse code warning, my time in solitary confinement was over. I saw that my dad had been hung outside to dry. He was nearly unrecognizable. But I was able to know it was him through the fact that he was nowhere to be seen."

Ieyasu's hold on Y/N became slightly tighter. It was a slight difference, but it was just enough for her to know he was getting uncomfortable.

"Im not sure where the 11th anniversary thing came in. Could you tell me..?" Ieyasu asked, eager to get this whole affair over with.

And Y/N complied with his request.

"..When I was taken out of confinement that night, my half-brother pushed me outside to a suspicious black car, tellimg me harshly to get inside."

"Do you know who or what was inside..?"

"Yeah. Drunk men who did some very horrible things to me. Things I'd rather not remember. And it was only then that I realized that my father was the ome who had warned me several days prior. And because of his sacrifice, he died. I also realized that my half-brother and step-sister had sold me off.

One day, though.. I met a friend of mine, his name is Sasuke. He sheltered me for a few days until I decided to leave. I made it to the top of a building, and decided the world would be better off without me.. And so, I stepped forward, but I didn't fall. Someone held me hand and stopped me. It was Sasuke. And thanks to him, Im right here in front of you.

Although getting here through that wormhole was partially my fault, since I didnt get out of the way."

Ieyasu held the girl tightly for several more moments before releasing her.

"I apologize sincerely. Did today awaken very sad memories as you told me?" He inquired.

"No, not at all. Actually, it helped me quite a lot." She answered truthfully.

"Very well. I thank you for your time and giving insight to your past. May I take my leave?"

"..Please dont.."

Ieyasu stared at her.

"..Please dont.." She kept saying.

"Very well. I shall stay here with you. Just.. take the day off, and relax. I know Im not ACTUALLY supposed to tell you that, but.. Just stay, okay..?"

Y/N hugged Ieyasu as she breathed in his scent. She smiled, content, as she drifted off to sleep.

As Ieyasu heard Y/N's slow and steady breathing, he whispered a vow.

"Y/N.. I promise.. I promise you this.. I promise that I will love you for all eternity.. I promise you that I will stay by your side. Or above, or under you, but that doesnt matter.. Because I will sincerely help in mending a broken you."

And when they play it you cant help but sing along~

Thats nothin' odd, thats nothin' wrong..

Cause a good song never dies..

It just reminds you of where you were.

The first time it made you cry,

The first time you felt alive..

No, a good song..

Never dies..


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