Chapter 6

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"Where are we going" Elena asked. The three were heading into the woods and she was really confused.

"Just come on" Kol said.

"Fine" Elena groaned.

He walked over to her and took Serenity."How about i take her."

"Sounds good to me i rather she pull on your hair then mine" Elena said,They continued walking until they reached an old cave."Can you tell me where we are now"

"Almost there" Kol said. The three went into the cave.

"This is creepy at all you know" Elena said.

"For a vampire witch hyrbid you sure are easily scared" Kol said. He walked ahead of her and approached a wall.

"I earned it i strickly remember almost dying to times before i turned 19" Elena smirked. "Car crash twice almost car crash your brother your mother twice your sister your other brother Elijah has tried Katherine tried twice the people that sneaked in my house do i need to go on" Elena asked.

"Ok point made"  He handed Serentiy back to her and opened a wall.

"I am not going in there last time i went in  a cave Rebekah was trying to kill me" Elena said.

"I promise that i am not trying to kill you i am simply just trying to show you something that ties in with your family history" Kol said.

"Ok fine" Elena said.

He took Serenity from her.They walked in and Elena seen writing on the wall. She walked closer and put her hand on the letters. There was a tile in the corner she pushed it and something opened making her jump back. She walked in and there were grimores all on the floor. She walked up to them and picked one up there was a A and P carved on the binding.

"Where are these from" Elena asked.

"All around the world. Each of them are from a petrova witch. All the way starting from Amara to now tons of spells from all kinds of different witches." Kol said.

"Let me guess you collected them" Elena asked.

"Before my mother and her sister rose to power it was the petrovas who were the strongest Freya never added her to the list because no one knows her true story because it was so long ago" Kol said."You can have them if you want"

"Ok" Elena said."But first"She flicked her hands and they are shrunk she made a tiny bag appear and put them in there. They walked out the cave and went back into the forest.

"So you gonna tell me about your meeting" Kol asked.

"Found out who did it she got yelled at she got  3 months no magic she gets to be on tourist duty and if needed she has to work at the voodo shop" Elena said.

"Damn thats harsh" Kol siad.

She turned and looked at him and glared at him."You came to me saying that one of my witches was trying to kill y'all. Don't y'all thought me and Haley were teaming up against y'all didn't you"

"We did" Kol said.

"I wasn't i'm not gonna take her father from my daughter or take her uncles from her. Neither would Haley." Elena said. "And plus that note was sent while our daughter was with you so would i really try to kill you then."

"Toche"Kol said.

"I promise if i am plotting to kill you i will tell you to your face that i want you dead there is no point in hiding it" Elena said,

"Do you really hate me that much" Kol asked.

"I never said i hated you that was your words my words are simply you get on my nerves cause you act like you can get everything that you want and most of the time you actually do" Elena said.

"What is that supposed to mean" Kol asked,

"Here are a few phrases i've said over the past month i am not sharring custody with you she is staying with me and me only we are not friend some how you managed to get around all three of them rules" Elena said.

"Whats wrong with being friends" Kol said giving his signature smirk,

"The fact that your smirking while saying that its whats wrong" Elena said,

"Are you saying that you don't trust yourself around me" Kol said.

"Thats exactly what i'm saying cause i don't you do remember your seduced me at a party i only went to to try to kill your brother" Elena said

"Ok your right" Kol said.

"Is that so hard to admit" Elena asked

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