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Prologue: A Curse Is Born

Ireland 1523

Combing out her hair, Lasair hummed softly to herself. Sitting naked in her chair by the fire, she watched the brilliantly glowing embers. Glancing back to her bed, she grinned as she saw Finbar asleep with deep even breaths. Setting down her brush, she braided her long red locks with nimble fingers. As she finished she tied it off with ribbon and climbed back into bed. Looming over him, she bit her lip as her nipples brushed his bare chest. "Agra..." She spoke to him and gently kissed his lips.
He let out a moan and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her down against him. "Lasair..."
"Fin." She chuckled before whispering a protection spell against his lips.
"No need for love spells Darlin'. Ya have my heart, my soul..." He slowly opened his deep emerald colored eyes. Gazing deeply into her eyes that shone bluer than the sky, he grinned.
She shook her head and pet his cheek. "Never a love spell on ya. But one for protection. Protection from magic and sword alike." Kissing his neck, she deeply inhaled his scent. "Do ya know how long I've wanted ya to be mine?"
"How long?" He grinned as his fingers traced along her spine.
"Since ya first came here. Seenin' ya on ride in bareback on your horse..." Her heart fluttered. "Ya handle him like he's a part of ya." Nibbling on his shoulder, she ran a hand into his hair. "Golden hair flowin' in the wind and your shirt open. I thought a fairy prince had come to steal the women. I'd never wanted a man like tha' before. I'd never wanted to take a man into my bed and into my heart as I did with ya."
"I saw ya too." He laughed. "The biggest blue eyes I'd ever seen. Flamed hair billowin' around your face. Black dress tha' shows your creamy skin. Breasts..." He smirked. "Achin' for my touch."
"Everythin' achin' for your touch." As he gripped her rear, she tensed into a quick moan. "Others ache for ya too. Tha's wha' my spell is for. There's another, a...dark one..." She swallowed hard. "She will call on ya. Tempt ya...but she can't love a man as I love ya. The coven banished her but I took pity on her. She was my friend...and I her only friend. She was with me that day...she saw ya. Wanted ya too. She said she'd share ya with me but I can't share." Lasair carefully wrapped her arms under him. "I won' let her hurt ya. You're mine Finbar Gallagher, as I'm yours."
"Lasair Kelly." He held her close. "Lasair Gallagher," Finbar corrected himself. "My beautiful good witch. Charm yourself and our future kin. May one be growin' inside ya now."
Grinning, she nuzzled her head against him. "Tha' would be lovely." Feeling his member hardening against her, she shivered. "May we make many more."
Rolling them over, he pinned her down against the bed. "Let's practice then."

As the months passed, they fell into a content pattern. They lived in her home deep in the Irish woods. He had cleared some of the land for farming and had made a small pasture for his horse and the few sheep they kept. One cold early winter night, a strange wind blew and the sky had begun to darken all too soon. Finbar fed the animals and pulled his cloak closer as the cold wind blew strong. He headed inside their home and quickly shut and locked the door behind him. Sniffling, he looked over to the fire and found her stirring a large pot of stew. "Ya don' have to do tha'." Moving over to her, he gently pulled her back and placed his hand on her growing stomach.
"I'm fine." She grinned. "Ya fished and I just put it together in a pot." Feeling his lips on her neck, she moaned. "I love ya..."
"I love ya more." Helping her sit in a chair, he then kissed her hands. "Can ya tell what it is yet?"
She nodded. "I read my tea leaves this morn. It's a boy. A wonderful, handsome boy."
"A warrior or a witch?" He asked as he sat on the arm of the chair. When she only shrugged, he nodded. "Whatever he is, he'll be perfect." Hearing his horse scream, he rushed to the window and saw an ominous figure standing out in the yard. "Were ya expectin' someone?"
"No?" She carefully got up and joined him at the window. "Oh..." Swallowing hard, she took his hand. "Nymphadora..." Trying to calm her nerves, she pulled him away from the window. "She'll see a glamor from a mile away."
"Why would I need one?" He grabbed his sword as a knock came at the door.
Lasair kissed him tenderly and whispered another protection spell against his lips. "Try not to speak much to her my love. She's the one that wanted ya."
He gently gripped her arms and pulled her in closer. "If she tries hurtin' ya or the babe..."
Shaking her head, she then kissed his cheek. "She won' hurt me. I'm her only friend." Gently pulling out of his hold, she opened the door with a forced smile. "Nymph, how are ya?"
"Better if I got out of the cold." Looking her over, her cold yellow eyes stopped on her stomach. "You had a man?"
"Have." Lasair corrected and stepped back to let Nymphadora in. Shutting the door behind her, she then took Finbar's hand. "This is my Finbar." She smiled contently. "My husband." When she received only a blank look from Nymphadora, she tilted her head in confusion. "The...he's the man that we both liked."
"Forgive me, I don' remember." Nymphadora glared at Finbar. "Ya make a woman with child answer the door?"
Finbar gave her hand a squeeze. "She said she knew ya."
Nymphadora placed her hands on Lasair's stomach and closed her eyes. "I can feel its warm life. A boy?" She questioned as she opened her eyes again.
"Yes." Lasair grinned. "Nymph, I am so excited. I've been so worried tha' ya'd hate me for takin' Fin as my own."
"If I truly had been wantin' him, I would have taken him myself." Nymphadora looked around and folded her hands behind her back. "The coven has offered me a place in it again." As Finbar wrapped his arms around Lasair, her eyes narrowed. "Do ya stay here often? Most men I know fight for their land."
Finbar pulled Lasair even closer. "In my youth I fought. Now tha' I'm a father, I am needed here. I will farm and protect my home."
"Grow her the herbs and plants used for her healing." Nymphadora spoke and sat in a chair near the fire.
"Yes." Lasair spoke proudly. "He's so good with the animals already. We have plans to buy a milk cow and a bull next. Once the babe is out, it'll be easier for me to work the garden." Moving over to the chair next to hers, she carefully sat down. "So the coven's lettin' ya back in?"
She nodded and glared at Finbar as he sat on the edge of Lasair's chair. "They've forgiven my dark arts. They know I had done it for our protection." Crossing her legs, she looked into Finbar's eyes. Reading him, she raised a brow as she found his only urge was to protect her friend. "Ya can relax, Finbar Gallagher. I'd never hurt my Lasair."
He stood and couldn't help but take a step back. "How di-"
"She looked in your mind." Lasair informed him and took his hand. "I mus' admit, I've looked but all I've seen is thin's tha' make me blush."

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