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Leyla P.O.V-

I carefully open my eyes. I see I'm in a small cave. There was moss and bushes covering the exit/entrance. I try to move but I feel a sharp pain in my leg and back. I hear a female voice from behind me.

"Careful, your still injured. Your leg is hurt and you might have some bruises from the fall." She said. When the girl came out from the darkness and into the light I could see her features. She had black hair that's in a side braid, similar to mine but she had longer braid. She had light sky blue eyes and was wearing all black clothing. Normal black pants that were lose. Her top had long sleeves and a hood. Her back held a quiver of arrows and she had a bow in her right hand. Her bow was black as well.

Suddenly another person came out of the shadows. It was a male this time. His clothes were the same as the other person. He also had a bow and a quiver of arrows. He also had light blue eyes and black hair that was short and sticking up. They seemed to be the same age as me. They both had blank faces on.

"Who are you guys?" I ask confused.

The girl scoffs and rolls her eyes. "We're the people that saved your life. And our names are none of your business." Her tone seemed a bit harsh and after she finished her sentence she put her hood up, that covered most of her face. She crossed her arms and leaned against the cave wall.

The male sighs and says, "I'm sorry about my sister, I'm Darris and she's Nora."'

"You guys saved me? Where am I?" I had tons more questions but my head was pounding and I was still getting myself into a sitting against the cave wall. My body was sore from... from what? They said something about a fall?

"Look I know you have a lot of questions and we will tell you all we know." Said Darris. I nodded my head for him to continue. "So a wild dragon had carried you to this island and dropped you here. The dragon was about to finish you off but me and my sister were able to get you out of their just in time. We took you back to our cave." He finished.

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask.

"Two days." Darris said. My eyes widened.

"The team will be worried." I say.

"The team?" Nora repeats.

"What's your name?" Darris asks.

"My names Leyla. And my team... they are... they..." I say. Wait why can't I remember?

"You might have lost some memories when you hit your head." Darris says.

"Blue is protective, red is a hothead, yellow and grey is funny, light blue is smart, purple is.. innocent. And... and emerald eyes... he's a daredevil..." I whisper but I think they still heard me. Why can't I remember my friends... ugh, my head is spinning so badly. I clutch my head, groaning. I'm in sitting position right now. I was against the cave wall.

"You should go back to sleep, I'll tell you more in the morning." Darris says. I nod not really able to say anything else. I fall asleep as soon as I close my eyes.


I was at some lighthouse thing and there's this huge dragon coming start for me. I cover my faces with my hands, trying to shield myself. As soon as it was about to hit me, I'm suddenly in a different place. I see a dragon, blue and white. His figure is a bit blurry. He makes a huge blast. A- A mega blast? It destroys the cave! There's three dragons that are now huddled up together in the cave looking scared.

Blue and White... mega blast... dangerous.

I'm suddenly thrown somewhere else as I see a red small dragon in front of me though she's blurry as well. Just like the last dragon.

"Why were you setting those fires?" I voice that sounds like me says. She lights herself on fire, like a glow. Something inside me tells me that she does that when she's angry.

Red dragon angry, sets fires... dangerous.

End dream~

My eyes shot open with a gasps. My heart is pounding, I feel overwhelmed with this new information. It was hard to focus on a voice saying something to me.

"Hey, are you ok. You were muttering to yourself in your sleep." A male voice says.

All the events from Yesterday come back to me. Meeting the twins...wait twins, why is that important... never mind. How they rescued me from a wild dragon. I see Darris in front of me who I now recognize the voice to be his.

"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine. I just... think I remembered something. Red dragon sets fires, she's dangerous. Blue and white dragon has mega blast... he's dangerous." I say to him.

"All dragons are dangerous." He says. Little did I know that, that sentence would stick in my head for a long time.

               ~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~
               ~~~~~~*A week*~~~~~~

Its been a week since I've been here. Darris explained that him and his sister have been shipwrecked here for a year. They were just messing around with the boat on their home island and they got lost. They found this island and decided to check it out, find food because they were hungry. The ship didn't have any food on it. When they got off the boat the dragons destroyed the ship.

There are wild dragons here that try to kill them. The only way to survive here is to be smart, quick and... kill. At first I was angry that they kill because I'm not sure why but the thought of killing dragons felt wrong to me. But I soon I realized that their just doing what they need to do to survive. My leg had healed, I found out that when the the dragon attacked me it cut my leg, leaving a bloody scar. They say the dragons go off the island sometimes but they always come back. They say one must have picked me up from the island that I used to live on. I also learned that I know a lot about dragons, I'm not sure how but I do. Every time they see a dragon and describe it to me I can identity what type it is and what class it is. I also know what kind of powers they have. Darris and Nora are glad that I know about dragons because they both aren't very skilled in that area. I'm happy that I have something to contribute to help them.

Darris is very kind and caring. He always put his younger sister before himself. He is very good at healing. He is smart and knows the island well. He knows the herbs on the island as well. He was a good cook too. He's a great friend.

As for Nora... she doesn't trust me. She makes it abundantly clear too. She acts cold around me. She loves her bother though. The way she acts around him is so much different then the way she acts around me. She smiles at him and will tease him about being a better fighter. That's who she really is. The way she acts around me is just a mask. I hope one day she will trust me but I am determined to have her trust me, I will not give up. She's very flexible and quick. She's the one that normally goes hunting.

They both are strong. They both have pin-point accuracy with their arrows. They also both have very sharp eye sight.

I ask them why they don't use stronger weapons like an axe or swords. Darris tells me about how with an bow and arrow, has more control then other weapons. You have to focus more to control an bow and arrow. You have to be more skilled. However when I ask Nora she just says that, that's what her and her brother are most skilled in. Of course she could have just said that for the shortest answer just could muster. She doesn't really like talking to me. That was just Nora, well around me that's how she acts.

They have a strong bond with each other. It reminds me of a relationship I had with someone. Well... that doesn't matter now. Over the week I felt as if something was missing. Like a part of me had got token away. I ignored that feeling because I had to focus. If I wanted to survive here I had to become like them. I had to get stronger, more agile, smarter and..... become a killer.

Oh my gosh! So that's the new chapter. I decided that Leyla should lose her memory because it would be more interesting. Also I didn't want her telling them that dragons were actually good. There is a reason that the dragons attack them. She's also remembering them in the wrong way so she'll think there dangerous and bad. Ok anyway Vote and Comment! Byeeeeeee!

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