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Leyla's P.O.V-

I've been here a full month. I learned a lot from this island. To survive here you have to be sneaky, cunning, smart, fast and most importantly you have to trust your teamates. I trust Nora and Darris with everything I have. Where they go I go, where I go they go. I know I wouldn't be here without them. We know each other inside out. They told me everything about themselves, I couldn't say much about me because I still don't know myself. I wanted so badly to know what my past is but I just... don't know. I've told them that I'm still learning who I am. I've told them that it's hard not having my memories to help guide me to who I'm supposed to be. Darris has metioned that maybe I should try meditating to try and bring back my old memories from the past but no matter how hard I try to remember it never works. I've told them my deepest darkest secrets and they have told me theirs. When we fight were always in synch. They say when we get off the island I can go back to their villiage with them. I mean it's not like I have anywhere else to go. They say that their family will except me since I saved them more times then I can count and they have down the same for me.

Since I have been here my look has changed a lot. My clothes we now a bit ripped up and were mostly stained black by the dye stuff they put in it and the dirt and mud. My hair wasn't fully black like theirs but it was now a very dark brown. Like I said- stuff like mud and dirt. It's just from training, hunting and fighting off the dragons. I never liked killing dragons but it's needs to be done. I still don't really have a weapon, I usally use one of their weapons when I need it.

Right now I was sitting by Nora sharping the tips of some of the arrows, we both were. Darris was out collocing herbs I offered to go but he said he wanted some alone time and I understood perfectly so here I was with Nora talking about everything and nothing at the same time. The thing is what I connected with Nora is that she has a wild side, she can easily be nice and fun without being annoying and is always sharp with her skills. She might not be able to talk to other people as easliy and might not be very talkative but it's worth getting to know her. She's very blunt, something her and her brother have in common. She doesn't always think before she acts but isn't dumb, She's very smart with survival and skill. She relays on skill and experence. Though she's a bit of a hot head when triggered she's actually really nice and calm as long as you don't rile her up. Another thing I like about her is that even though she stays in the back and doesn't like to talk much she still stands up for herself and other's. She may be rude while doing it but she gets her point across and says what needs to be said. Even though she doesn't give out her trust as easily as other people it's more then worth it when you get to know her.



Right now I was with Darris sorting some herbs and just talking about them. With Darris I can nerd out without him getting annoyed or not understanding. Even though he might not be as strong as Nora he makes it up for his mind. He was smarter then average people (I think) and I could easly find conversation with him. He normally relays on his gut and intuition rather then strenth. I found interest with just talking about plants- their effect. I liked talking about different dragons- there powers and their weakness. I even educated Darris a bit with my knowlege of dragons.

Darris and Nora had both become my best friends, my siblings- we just kinda clicked. I liked how they were both completely different but the alike at the same time. They both were pretty blunt, sarcasic and belive it or not they both can be hot heads, Darris just takes much longer to blow his top. He trys to think more logically and put himself in others shoes before he blows up. Something Nora has to work harder on. We and him can always geek out together and normal Nora looks at us weridly as if were not speaking english, which we both find hilarious.

Darris isn't like regular boys. Like how me and Nora arn't regular girls. Sure were all ten but we have something most kids don't have at this age, a sense of maturity. Darris and Nora were kinda forced into maturity with the instinct to survive. Maybe I was always mature for my age but there's really no way to know for sure unless I remember my past.

But like Darris and Nora have both said to me multiply times "It doesn't matter who I was in my past life. I need to live in the here and now if were ever going to get off this island."

Sorry this is short. This chapters not super impotent but necessary. It basically just shows her relationship with both of them. This chapter was super fun to write so I hope you enjoyed! Vote and Comment! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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