Chapter 1

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She looked to the ground with an expression full of disgust. There was her target, a man in his 40s accused of raping women and selling drugs. She was hovering over him with a gun in her hand ready to pull the trigger at any move the older man was about to do.
"You know people like you should be burnt alive. The death I'm going to give you is a blessing rather than a punishment." she said while gritting her teeth.
The man shivered in fear when the last sound that could be heard was a gunshot and the deep laughing of a young woman.


POV Hendery
I woke up with the annoying ringing of my alarm like every morning. I went to the bathroom and did my daily routine. I changed into clothes which I usually wear to college.
Yes I'm going to college and I'm in my 3rd semester. I study computer science which I was interested in even as a kid. I'm Hendery 21 years old and still a virgin. I know it sounds funny but I guess god keeps a special moment for me. I got pulled out of my thoughts with my mom calling me from downstairs.
"Yes Mom I'm coming."
I went downstairs to be greeted with the warm smile of my mom and a table full of delicious looking food.
"Here honey try this."she gave me a plate of cinnamon bread? Well I guess that's was what she tried to make.
"Mmh Mom it's really good." Well my Mom never cooks or bakes anything bad so I trust her with my life if it's about food.
"Are you exited for your first day at your new college?" She asked while looking intensely at me to see what my reaction would be.
"Well I'm kinda used to it now. You know changing colleges and stuff nothing to be excited about." I said while continuing to eat my food. In case you didn't know I get bullied because of my "nerdy" appearance. Yeah that's what they call me. Nerdy.
"Ahh yes you are right nothing new." She said while smiling awkwardly at me.
I needed to leave the atmosphere I didn't like it at all. So I kissed my mom on the cheek and made my way out of the house.

POV Yura
"Shit" I murmured while pressing the stop button on my alarm clock. Again a fucking Monday. I hate my life guess I have to go through it. Seriously it isn't that hard my life was never "spectacular" anyway.
I did my morning routine and made my way to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.
When it was time for me to go I made my way out of my apartment. Yeah I don't live "large" since I live by myself. I would feel even lonelier.

POV Author
While both of them were almost at their beloved location, college, Hendry checked the time only to see that he was being late. While Hendery was running his ass off right trough the entrance, Yura kept her pace and mumbled a "whatever" after looking at the running boy in front of her.

While Yura was sitting in class listening to the boring speech of the professor, Hendery successfully found the counselor and was even discussing about his classes.
"Mr. Becker your first class is maths in room 201." The counselor said while politely smiling.
"Thank you Mr. Hamilson." Hendery said while returning the sincere smile.

Hendery was excited because it was his first day even when he wouldn't admit it on the breakfast table this morning. What would his classmates think of him? Would he make friends? And the most important question. Would he be bullied again?
He didn't like the thought of it so he just tossed that thought out of his head. He wanted to be positive. He imagined this kind of like a new "start". Well he always did when changing to a new college but this time he was sure to put effort into it. He could not change college for the 3rd time. While swimming in his thoughts he didn't realize that the already stood in front of the classroom with the big "201" sign on its right.

He knocked on the door to hear a faint "come in". After hearing the answer he immediately made his way into class.
"You are too late. Make sure to be on time."
The professor said while looking at the boy over his glasses.
"Uhhm I- I am new at this college an-"
"I don't care. I don't like people disturbing my class." The professor stated while looking uninterested at the boy.
"Y-yes sir won't happen again."
"Good know take a seat I don't want to have a sleepover with you all."he said mockingly.

Hendery sat down on one of the branches at the back and released a long breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Pst, hey you."the boy next to Hendery whispered.
Hendery looked around and tried to understand who he was talking to.
"No dumbass, I mean you!"he said while pointing at Hendery with his finger.
"O-oh me?"Hendery stated while awkwardly smiling.
"Yes you. Would you like to hangout with me and my friends anytime soon?"the boy asked while smiling sincerely.
"Yes that would be really nice"Hendery responded with his eye smile.
"We could show you around college if you want to."he said but it had to be a little loud since the professor noticed it.
"Mark, out now!"the professor stated with a serious face.
"Mark just rolled his eyes and mouthed a "see you after class" to Hendery.

Hendery was happy to made friends so quick. It was almost like a dream. He made his way to the lunch area to be greeted with Mark and his group of friends. While making his way to sit on the table where Mark and his friends were laughing and chatting he noticed a girl.
"She must be lonely"Hendery thought. It made him sad since he knew how it felt to be alone.

"Forget her dude."Hendery turned his head to one of Marks friends who let that sentence slip.
"Why?" Henderys curiosity was taking over him.
"She is Yura Hitoshima THE girl everyone wants. She is just perfekt. Cute, funny, confident, smart and pretty. She has everything you lack."
One of Marks friends said.
That statement made Hendery a little sad since he always struggled with confidence. He was always insecure and the glasses didn't do him justice either. Although he was beautiful with glasses, people picked on them. It was a reason to bully since he seemed "nerdy" with them.
Hendery shyly brushed his brown hair out of his face while looking down.
"C'mon dude don't be such an asshole. Talk like a decent human being." Marks comment made Hendery smile a little.
While the one who released the statement titled it as a joke.

Everyone went back to their conversation. But Hendery couldn't keep his eyes of the girl called Yura. She had something mysterious which interested him. But after the description of her there was no chance in hell he could get near her.

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