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It was....purple. Too purple. So purple his eyes took forever to adjust because he'd been wrapped in eternal darkness for so long.

Not only was it purple, but it was warm. As his eyes adjusted to the extreme...purpleness he found he was in a field...of flowers. A meadow of violets. It was pretty, he thought, as he gazed about, though no one seemed to occupy the field. The purpleness made him feel, something that the blackness had sucked away. He had been utterly numb and dark, but now he felt...something. Could it really be emotion he was feeling?

He began to walk, surprised at his rather...human looking self, though his body..was light and lacked color. It was clear he was a spirit, a ghostly being, yet it didn't bother him.

As he continued walking memories came to him, ones from when he was alive. He remembered the times with his family, the countless amount of women he'd been with, his awful job, Thor, his 'best friend'.

Then he remembered her. He remembered Dahlia and how she came into his life, he remembered the bond, Dominick, Niva, the chaos, Simon stabbing him in his back, Lira, the court room, his love.

As Kale recalled his love for her an ache ripped through his ghostly frame and let out a cry of pain. He fell to his knees in the sea of violets as tears crashed and were caught by their petals. He still loved his demon and now that he was...a spirit instead of a numbing essence and remembered her, he could not bare to even be 'alive' this way.

Tears kept falling, the violet petals bending with the weight of his tears and still the ache would not dissipate. Kale wanted to die all over again, he wanted to go back to the blackness, he wanted to be-

He stilled as something light and warm touched him. His tears flowed effortlessly, but the ache seemed to fall away. His soul seemed to know what was here, who was here. He looked up from his spot in the meadow and directly into those black orbs he remembered so well from when he lived.


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