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Persephone or as she would like to be called Percy has just finished the war. She has lost each and every one of her best friend.
She is the last of the standing seven.
Thalia and Nico try to cheer her up as much as possible.
It's two days to the end of summer and then she is no longer required to go to camp unless nesesarry.
She will go back home to her mom's apartment then go to Gotham and continue her life seeing as her aquarium is getting more busy and famous by the day. The award ceremony was the days before and she was crowded the princess of Olympus making her partially immortal.
She was also blessed by each and every Olympian and some other gods and goddess
Zeus - wings and safe passage in the sky travel via lighting and summon lightning
Posedion - increased her power greatly
Hades - shadow travel , ability to be invisible in the dark or in the shadows, safe passage in the underworld
Hera - ability to mind read someone, telepathic communication
Hestia - summon food fire and home furniture, immune to fire ability to give hope fire travel
Dementor - power over plants. Ability to make and summon cereals
Dyonisis - power to stay sane can make on go insane  can only get drunk when intended
Hephaestus - can make anything
Gave her a phone and laptop and other electronics
Hermes - can run very fast
Apollo - increased her singing and archery  skills. Can heal someone to a certain extent.
Ares - to live her in peace and can   will every weapon known and learn fast her to use them
Aphrodite - more beauty change her appearance and other as well can summon clothes.
Artemis - change into a Woolf can talk to animals  more sleath travel through the moonlight
Athena - gave her a tracking dog removed her ADHD can read and understand and write in any language more information about the current world.
Triton - change into a mermaid when in water at will.
Amphitrite - can come to the underwater place any time.
She was also given a blessing were she can decorate something by just thinking and her sent was masked completely.
She was also allowed to use technology.

She has trained and mastered all her powers.
Her traveling have been given a short name
Lightning travel - Ltl
Vapour travel - Vtl
Shadow travel - Stl
Fire travel - Ftl
Moonlight travel - MTL
She was given her blessing after everyone else had left so no one knows of her ability except Thalia and Nico.
She has a throne on the council.

Between her dad and her uncle Zeus

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Between her dad and her uncle Zeus.
She does not attend the meeting unless it is required and on the summer and winter solstice.
If it's a regular meeting her peguseas tattoo glows white but if it is important it glows blue and it hurts abit.
We will start off from when she is leaving camp.

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