Chapter 1

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(Kylie's POV)

As I sat in the hospital bed I remembered all the things that happened to me.


"My King & Queen you and your daughter must flee, we will not win this war." One of the guards said.

My Mum had been holding me, she looked at my dad worriedly.

"I know that it may look bleak but we can still win this war, but I want my daughter out of harm's way." My father said.

"Where should we take the little princess?" The other guard asked.

"Put her in the chariot and take her to the airport it will take her straight to Mobius, there my sister will take care of her I have already called her. Please guard her with your life." My mother said.

"We will my Queen." Both guards bowed.

"Let us say goodbye to our daughter, get the chariot ready please." Dad said.

"Ok your majesties." The guards and ran out of the castle.

"Momma, Pappa what's going on?" I asked worriedly my eyes started filling with tears.

My Mum put me down and smiled a tear fell from her eye.

"Now sweetheart I want you to be very brave for Mummy and daddy." My Mum said.

"Why do I have to be brave Momma. Pappa what's going on?" I asked I was so confused.

My dad bent down to me and held my hands, even though he tried to smile I could see tears were filling his eyes.

"Honey bunch I know this is going to be hard for you, but you need to leave Egypt and go to Mobius to live with your Aunt, it's not safe for you here and it would break our hearts if you got killed during this war." Dad said.

I started to sob my Mum and Dad hugged me, suddenly my dad took off his opal ring and put it on my finger, then my mum ran off she got my bag covered in golden dust and gave it to me, she took off her necklace and put around my neck.

"Sweetheart even if me and your father do not survive this war we will always be in your hearts, the necklace and the ring can remind of us." Mum said.

"Egypt needs their heir in case we don't survive, your bracelets are in your satchel to keep your powers under control. Please be safe we love you." My dad.

I hugged Mum and Dad one last time.  "Goodbye Mum and Dad." I said.

We then heard screaming and shouting I was so frightening my Dad picked me up and started running with my Mum.

My Dad gave me to the guards and they put me in the chariot. The guards got the horses to start running I looked back at Mum and Dad one last time, they waved then they ran back into the castle.

The chariot was going really fast, there were two guards at the front with the horses, and there was one guard behind me to keep me safe we were nearing airport.

"Don't worry princess I'm sure your parents will be ok, they are very wise." The guard behind me said. I hope he was right.

Suddenly a giant spear hit the side of the chariot and we all toppled over, during the fall I twisted my ankle it hurt like crazy.

A big shadow blocked my way I looked up and fear filled my eyes it was soldier from the army of Ceaser, if my ankle wasn't twisted I could get out of there in no time since I'm a cheetah.

"Well look what we've got here the heir of Egypt if I kill you then there will be no one to take over Egypt, once the King and Queen are gone." He said.

"I'm gonna kill ya nice and slowly, you don't deserve to live." He chuckled full of venom. Then he drew out his sword I tried to move out of the way, but he took my arm and used his sword to make a deep cut in my right arm, then he twisted it.

I screamed in agony then he raised the sword above my chest I closed my eyes and waited for the blow but nothing happened, I slowly opened my eyes and saw him knocked out on the floor.

My guard had saved he was breathing heavily. "Are you ok my princess." He asked.

I nodded he looked at me and his eyes widened he quickly got a cloth and wrapped round my arm, I had lost quite a bit of blood so I started to feel dizzy.

We heard shouting and saw more soldiers from Ceaser's army coming towards us. My guard picked me up and ran to the airport fortunately he managed to get us there in two minutes.

He gave me to a flight attendant and they put me on the plane. My guard waved.

"Safe journeys princess." He said, then he went

I smiled weakly, then the plane started on the journey to Mobius and because of the amount of blood I lost from the deep cut I fainted.

I woke up in the hospital in Mobius with stitches on my it had a cast on it, I also had a boot on my foot, next to my bed were crutches.

End of flashback.

The doctor came in to check on me.
"How are you feeling Kylie." He asked.

"I'm ok I guess." I whispered.

"Don't worry your Aunt Aleena will be here soon she contacted me I'll get one of the nurses to help." Dr David said.

I nodded I got my satchel which was next to me. One of nurses came in and put it on my back, then she helped go on my crutches.

I thanked her and she smiled at me. That smile reminded me of my mother, I looked at the opal ring and held the necklace. A tear trickled down my face.

"It's ok dear things will get better ok." The nurse said.

I nodded then I asked the nurse if she could get my golden bangle bracelets from my they keep my powers under control, she got them for me and helped me put them on.

Just then the doctor came and said my Aunty is here to pick me, I nodded and used the crutches to help me walk.

When Aunty Aleena saw me she ran and hugged me, I hugged her back.

"Oh Kylie I am so sorry, but don't worry I'm sure your parents are fine." Aunty Aleena said, and wiped a tear that was coming out my eye.

"Here's the medication you must give her give this to Kylie two times a day, and she'll be as good as new." Dr David said.

"Thank you doctor, come on Kylie." Aunty Aleena said. Then she picked me up and took me into the car with my crutches and seat belted me, she sat beside me. Then we drove off.

We were driving in a limousine since my Aunty Aleena is a queen, and that means my cousins are royals like me.
I guess I have to get used to Mobius since it is my new home.

I guess I have to get used to Mobius since it is my new home

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"Your cousins are so excited to see you again Kylie." Aunty Aleena said.

"Aunty does this mean I have to go to a new school?" I asked.

"Yes you'll be attending your cousins primary school." Aunty Aleena.

I sighed and nodded, well I guess this is my new home. I just hope my parents and the rest of Egypt is safe, I feel so useless.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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