Chapter I

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"Moving out will be fun!"
I remember my mom's exact words.

Fun my ass.

I was sitting on my bathroom floor after crying my heart out for half an hour.

After getting the news of my parent's divorce I felt like moving out was the best option for me.

After years of constant bickering, throwing things at each other while arguing, hurting each other emotionally as well as physically, it was the best option for both of them.

Sometimes, when things aren't working out, letting go is okay.

That's what my life has taught me.

And here I was sitting on the tiled floor with my head buried between my knees feeling like a worthless piece of trash.

Getting up from the floor, I walked out to the hall only to see cartoon boxes lying everywhere on the floor.

I still have a lot of work to do.

My phone started vibrating in my pocket and I took it out with a sigh escaping my lips.

I held the phone close to my ear after answering the call and heard a man's voice on the other end.

"your order is here!"
I smiled at how cheerful the delivery boy's voice sounded.

"I'll be there in a minute."
I disconnected the call while sniffing and rushed to the washroom to wash my face.

Straightening my back, I stared at my reflection in front of me.

I look so fucking pale and worn out.

My hands were now unconsciously wrapped around my body, insecurity running through my veins.

A long exhale left my mouth and I reached out for a towel hanging by the washbasin.

I got out of my appartment and was adding up the money in my hands until I bumped hard into a chest.

I heard a deep voice curse followed by an overdramatic hiss.

I stood there massaging my forehead, waiting for him to apologize.

I mean, it was my fault too but I just wanted him to initiate the "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking" thing.

But to my surprise, instead of apologising or even saying anything the guy just stood there looking at me as if he had the same thing in his mind.

I took this moment to actually study his facial features, he was pretty handsome.
Dark brown eyes, he had one mono lid and one partial double eyelid.

His top lip was slightly fuller than the Lower one and his nose was-

"You do realise that you're staring, right?"
He raised his eyebrows while questioning me.

I flinched, for god knows why, and raised my eyebrows at him too.

"I'm still waiting for you to say sorry."
He cleared his throat.


"You bumped into me."
He said annoyed.

"You bumped into me too so you're not the only one waiting for it."

I'm probably making an unnecessary scene about this "say you're sorry" thing but I'm not going to let this slide so easily.

I'm so fucking done with people treating me like shit.

I heard him exhaling a long breath, like he was done with this situation.

I saw him taking two steps closer to me while maintaining the eye contact and making me rethink my decisions because damn, he was being intimidating now.

But I didn't bulge.

I-im a s-strong woman, stuttering in my thoughts and all.

"Listen here, whatever your name is."
He stopped with his face just a kiss away from mine.

I whispered.

"What. Ever."
His eyes bearing daggers into mine as he spoke out.

He licked his lips while staring at mine.

Cocky bastar-

"Next time when you're walking down the hallway, watch where you're going."
I rolled my eyes at his overconfident behaviour.

"You got a pair of eyes yourself, why don't you watch where you're going?"
I spit back.

He scoffed and I turned around to leave, not wanting to waste one more second of my life with this good looking asshole.


It was evening now and I was almost done with unpacking my stuffs.

The apartment was looking pretty decent now, I mean if you compare it with what it looked like this morning.

Suddenly a notification pops up on my phone's lockscreen and my heart sank when I realised what notification it actually was.

It was a text, a very normal one, from someone I never wanted to face ever again in my life.
It was Jaemin, my ex boyfriend.

After being in an abusive relationship for 2 and a half months, I finally gathered the courage to breakup with him and leave everything behind before moving here.

It's been a week since we saw each other and the thought of seeing him again, standing infront of him again, him being capable of hurting me again made my hands shiver.

I started taking deep breaths and patting my shoulders with my hands crossed over my chest.
I peeked at my phone again and a shiver ran down my spine.

"I'm in your appartment's parking area, come get your stuffs."

It wasn't a lot of things that I left at his house but it was something really important to me.
Something that I needed.

So I stood up, cleared my throat while fixing my hair and i was ready to face the dickhead.


While waiting in the hallway for the elevator, I replied "Coming" to Jaemin and shoved the phone in my back pocket.

Oh how much I just wanted to run back to my appartment and lock myself in.

I always wanted to write a Taehyung Fanfiction so here it is!!

I always wanted to write a Taehyung Fanfiction so here it is!!

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I really hope you enjoyed this chapter ❤
Thankyou so much for reading❤
Take care ❤

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