"Y/n.. You're a human?" Finn asked, approaching the human girl.

"Look who's talking to me now! Amazing right! Hes talking to me.. Im so happy!" Y/n said in a sarcastic way.. Obviously she's still angry..

"Y/n .. You're welcome in my castle whenever you want" Ice king offered.

"No thank you Ice king.. I think I'm better of alone. Thanks for everything guys" Y/n said waving her hand towards Finn, Jake and BMO.

Finn is about to grab Y/n by the hand but she suddenly run away and closed the door behind her, leaving them all inside..

"Y/n!" Finn tried calling out to her but no matter how much he tried, she never stopped moving away from the man she thought, understands her the most.. She was too disappointed that her actions annoys him, even making him happy still isn't enough for him to forgive her..

"Finn!" Jake then called out to Finn before he completely disappeared on sight.

In the mean time Y/n's trying to outrun Finn but to her dismay she can still hear him from a distance, calling out to her.. He's catching up quite fast, he finally get a hold of her arm when Y/n steps back making her fall in a deep hole on the ground, with Finn accidentally being pulled over. And their vision turned black...


((Y/n POV))

Argh my head hurts, I felt like I was falling over. No matter where I am, I wish Finn can't see me anymore.. Luckily I was saved by a few tree trunks since I'm currently sitting on one of them..

I hopped down the fluffy bushes . Glad Finn's not here.. He became so distant.. I don't think I could face him right now.. Yes I made a lot of mistakes, especially lying but can't he see the purpose of it all?

I was walking aimlessly while putting on my hoodie back on my head, when I see Marcelines house from a distance. Sure hope Marceline is home. I immediately run to her door with a loud knock before it finally opens.

"Oh hey there girly. Ya need something?" I was greeted by a handsome guy with dark hair, pale skin, and wearing a cool checkered shirt. He's floating in the air like what Marceline does. Must be Marcelines boyfriend... Although I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a boyfriend.. Don't tell me it's an intruder?!

"Hey can I talk to Marceline please?" I asked figuring out if this guy is evil or not.

"Who's Marceline? Sorry I don't know any Marceline"

"Then why are you here in her house?! Huh?!" I jumped, pushing him to the ground. Now I was on top , pointing one of my finger at his face with ice magic emitting from it.

"Are you an intruder?! Speak or I shall freeze you to death!"

"How nice.. Cause that isn't possible milady. Can't you see I'm already dead? " Instead of fearing for his life, he started smirking towards me. He rolled to the side in a strong manner and I ended up being at the bottom now.. I'm currently cornered by his arms, his hands were pinning my hands on both sides of my face.

"Let me introduce myself beautiful stranger.. I am Marshal Lee the vampire king!"

"Now you're copying Marceline!!" I kicked his stomach with my knees.. It isn't a good idea cause he fell on me . I'm being squashed..

"I can't breathe.."

"I know.. Who's fault do you think it is? " Marshal Lee stood up clutching his stomach.

This is my chance! I was planning to punch him right on his face with ice magic from my fist, yet he immediately grabbed my arm .

He tied my hands together using some thick ropes then he soon tied my feet.. Now I can't move..

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