Closer Than Ever

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Caspian stared at the papers on his desk; his mind was elsewhere. It had been two years since Edmund had been ripped away from him, and those two years had been hell. Getting his world to accept the Narnians and recover peace in Narnia was challenging, but they had nearly achieved it.

Caspian sighed; the moment Edmund left was playing on a loop in his head. Edmund looked up at Peter, shocked when he announced they were returning home. A pained expression soon appeared on Edmund's face when he looked at Caspian, but before either Edmund or Caspian could ever say goodbye to each other, Peter pushed Edmund through the portal back to their world, and with that, Edmund was gone.

Caspian was worried about what might happen next. Was he going to be forced to marry someone so that they could continue the royal bloodline? He knew the lords were trying to find him a wife; they had been since Caspian was crowned. The Lords had introduced Caspian to many pretty and sweet women, but no one ever brought him the same feelings as Edmund. Caspian feared that the next time Edmund returned to Narnia, as Aslan said, Caspian would have been long dead.

A knock at the door pulled Caspian out of his thoughts.

"Enter," Caspian said; the door opened, revealing one of the guards.

"Your Highness, I apologise for interrupting you whilst you are working, but we found an unconscious body in the woods; we brought them to the healer," the guard said. 

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