chapter 2

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Everyone turned their heads around only to see a guy whom I assume is Chrollo which is also the leader of the troupe. "Look who's here gummy bear~ he's the Chrollo i told you about~ say hi~" Hisoka said in a teasing tone.

Normally, if it was someone else, it probably wouldn't sound like teasing but from Hisoka's mouth? It sure did.

After i was done playing with them, I headed towards my next stop, Heaven's Arena. Hisoka told me that after the york new auction, he would come meet me at the heaven's arena. So meanwhile, I'm here, why not have some fun?

Reaching at the Heaven's Arena, many people looked at me judging me and whispering among themselves. not that i care. I approached the front desk to sign myself up since i've never came here before believe it or not, and this time, I'm going to be making a name for myself. I will no longer only be known as "Hisoka's sister" this time, I will be known as "Y/n". 

"Look it's another clown! Hah! This one's probably just a copy of that Hisoka, there's no way a girl can be as strong as that dude~" A guy joked with his friends while they all agreed with him laughing at me. All i did was smirk, I threw 3 cards at one of them and it pierced through his head. Now all his other friends look at me in horror, "Uh oh~ looks like somebody just got killed by a copy~" I mocked them then I let out an evil chuckle and left them there standing dumbfounded but i definitely scared them as well as the other people who were there. 

After I was done signing myself up I scheduled a fight with some nobody who I've never even heard of. It only took one punch for me to win tch weak~ I got sent up to level 150 immediately after that match which I gladly won. I went straight to the elevator, there was a guy in there, he had a fake leg or whatever he uses to stand. it was like a needle's point but rounded, he had a red cloak on. "I saw you just now during that match," he said and I turned my head towards him giving him a cat eyed grin. "let me introduce myself, I am Gido, hopefully we will meet each other in the rink soon," he introduced making me smirk, does he think that I am some weakling he can use to get a win? haha I'll show him what a weakling really is~ I won another fight and soon enough, I was already on level 200 like Gido. We scheduled a fight together at the registration counter. From what I know, Gido already lost 3 fights, if he loses this one, then it's uh oh for him~ 

During the match he kept using his tops to try to attack me but obviously I was able to dodge all of them. "Is this all you've got? haha how weak~" I taunted him making him angry. "uh oh~ Is someone angry~" I taunted him even more. he made all his tops came at me at once which made me smile mischievously, fun~

I jumped up in the air and punched him from above making him all, I then went ahead and kick him out of the rink. He flew towards the walls creating a loud thud. The ref ran towards Gido only to find him passed out. and so, i won and he lost which meant that he had to go back to level 1.

Author's note:

Hi~ I know i'm super small here, but I really like writing stories! all votes and comments will be appreciated! :)) until next time, SEE YA~

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