I nodded. I did want to talk about what had happened last night.

"Before I start, I would just like to thank you for comforting me and staying with me"

"No need to thank me"

I took a deep breath as I prepared to talk about it.

"So, my mom died when I was 9. She had lukemia. She didn't win the battle. After she passed, my father went into a very dark place. He started hitting me. At first, it was because I did something wrong. Then we would do it because he was mad." I took a deep breath, trying to stop myself from crying.

"My dad never sexually did anything to me. It was his friend, Austin. He would tell my dad that he was coming to play dolls with me. My dad never found out. He wouldn't believe me anyways."

Spencer was listening. He hit his hand on top of mine as I was on the verge of tears.

"I believe you," spencer said, "I'm so sorry that you went through that."

I let a few tears fall down my cheeks. Spencer pulled me in for a hug and i cried a little more.

I wasn't in hysterics, just letting tears fall down my cheeks.

After a few moments, Spencer pulled away.

"Samantha, you are an amazing girl. You are kind, smart and beautiful on the inside and out. Don't ever let anyone tell different"

"Thank you Spencer"

He gave a smile before hugging me again.


Spencer's POV

Samantha just explained what happened with her father and Austin. I feel horrible that she went through that.

Her mom was dead? This girl seems to have so much trauma in her life. Abusive father, dead mother, being molested by her fathers friend, her father being a serial killer.

I tried to comfort her. She didn't seem even close to as emotional as last night. She let out a few tears.

My phone vibrated. I checked it and saw a message from hotch.

"Reid, we have a case. Get here as soon as you can"

Samantha saw me check my phone and she must've read the message.

"You have a case?" She asked quietly

"Umm yeah I do. But you can come. Well you will have to stay with Penelope, but she would love to have your company"

"Okay, only if it's okay with you. I don't want you to think you have to take me everywhere because I've gotten emotional"

"Samantha, that's not why I'm asking if you want to come. It's okay to be emotional"

She nodded and got off the couch.

"Well, should I bring anything?"

"Sure, bring your phone and the charger. I'm sure Penelope will show you some things to do with it. Also bring a book."

She nodded and set off to get her things. She came back with them all in her hands.

I grabbed my go back, locked the door behind us and headed to the car.

Once we were out of the building, we hopped in my car. I turned it on and got going. I lived 25 minutes exactly from headquarters.

After 5 minutes, Samantha turns on the radio. 96.7 is the station she chose.

I wanna dance with somebody by Whitney Houston started playing. She turned up the music so it was really loud and started singing.

"Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me" she sang.

She was actually a good singer. I smiled as she was singing. Once the song ended, she turned down the radio.

"Your really good!" I spat out.

"Haha thanks. I used to take singing lessons when I was 8"

The rest of the ride was silent. I could hear Samantha humming to a few songs, but she didn't sing again.

We arrived at headquarters and got out of the car. We walked to the elevator and she pressed the button. We hopped in when it arrived and pressed the floor.

"Wait, hold the doors!" Someone yelled.

That someone was JJ.

She walked in the elevator and saw that it was Samantha and I.

"Oh hey guys!" She said as the doors were closing.

Samantha gave JJ a small wave and smile.

We made it to the BAU and got out of the elevator. We walked through the glass doors and I saw everyone gathered in the conference room.

I knew that Samantha wasn't allowed in there and I didn't want her to see any pictures so I told her she could sit at my desk until Garcia is back.

Walked in the conference room and Garcia was beaming. She saw Samantha so she knew that they would get to spend a while together.

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