CH 6: Of Men and Angels

Start from the beginning

"Magnus. . . why does Magnus need me?" I questioned.

"To help save Luke's life."

"I'll be there. Just give me 10 minutes. Dad is here and I don't want him to see me leaving" I explained.

"Okay, just hurry" Jace says before hanging up. I run to my room and close then door. I grab my stele, seraph blade and my blades. I look at myself in the mirror Eh, could look better I thought. I run out of the room, but was stopped by Iz.

"Mother is making Alec marry. Possibly you too" Iz quickly says. I widened my eyes, but before I could say anything, Iz pulls me all the way to the training room.

"Promise me you won't go through with it. Promise me you'll say no" Iz begs.

"What are you talking about? Say no to what?" Alec questioned.

"They're gonna make you marry. And possibly Tris" Iz explained.

"Who's they?" Alec says.

"Our parents are making plans for the two of you" Iz told us.

"No, you heard wrong" Alec shook his head.

"Yeah, you must have heard wrong, Iz. I mean, why would our parents make us marry a random person" I added.

"It's true, Alec. Tris. They need a political alliance quickly to restore our family name and our influence at the Clave" Iz explained.

Alec scoffed "I knew Clary Fray would come back to bite me in the ass. So wait, when I'm getting married, what are you doing?"

"Um, what the hell do you mean 'I'm getting married'? I'm taking your spot so you can't do it. I'm getting married so you won't have to, Alec" I told him.

"No, your not, Tris. I'm your older brother, this is my responsibility" Alec yelled while pointed to himself.

"Fine. Whatever. I won't get married, then" I lied.

"Anyways, they need me to convince the Clave to placate the Seelies somehow" Iz explained.

"You know what? I have to go and I don't want to be here when you guys fight. See ya" I explained and then left.

When I am outside of the Institute, I ran all the way to Magnus'. Had to be honest, it was kind of far. Probably a 20 minute walk, but since I'm running, it was a 12 minute run.

When I get there, I run into the room to see Magnus struggling to hold a spell to help Luke. I immediately run to him and forget about everyone else. I hold Magnus as he was about to fall. Magnus holds his hand out when he sees me.

"I need your strength" Magnus says. I look at him and take his hand.

"Take as much as you need, Mag. I don't need it" I told him.

As Magnus takes my energy for a couple minutes, I start to get dizzy, but hold on. I see Clary giving Luke something and he immediately wakes up. Magnus stops the spell and lays on me for support.

"You okay, Mag?" I immediately ask.

"Yeah" he shakes his head. We lock eyes for a couple second before I help him up and sit him on his chair. After that, I walk across the room and pick up the books on the floor.

"Echo, wait" Clary says. I turn around at look at her. "If you hadn't gotten her in time, I. . . I'm just. . . I'm glad you and Jace are okay now."

"I didn't do this for Jace, Clary. Honestly, I don't give a fuck about him" I explained.

"Well, I'm glad you did it for you" Clary said. Then I see Jace walk into the room. I immediately walk out. I walk over to Magnus' couch and sit down next to him. I lay my head on Magnus' shoulder. He wraps his arm around me.

"Oh!" I exclaimed. I get up and grab a towel and try to clean the blood that got on Magnus' carpet. He gets up and makes a drink. I chuckled.

"You know I have magic for that, right?" Magnus explained. I stop cleaning and look at him.

"You've used enough of your energy for one day" I say. Magnus grabs two drinks.

"Drink break?" he questioned. I chuckled and get up from the ground. I walk up to Magnus and grab the drink from his hand. He clinks his drink with mine. "To us."

I furrowed my eyebrows "Why did you ask for me when Jace and Clary were both here? Plus, Iz and Alec were available. So, why me?"

"Hm, Jace didn't tell you? It doesn't matter. It was a lie anyway" Magnus said as he turned to the window.

"Are warlocks always this cryptic?" I asked. He laughed.

"I'm not being cryptic. I'm being coy" Magnus turned around to see me "Let me spell it out for you." Magnus walk to me "I wanted to see you again."

"Why?" I questioned.

"Why'd you come?" Magnus questioned.

"I'm not sure" I lied. I mean, I can't just tell Magnus 'I came for you!' because that would be kind of embarrassing for me.

"For almost a century, I've closed myself off to feeling anything for anyone. Man or women. . . you've unlocked something in me" Magnus explained. I widened my eyes and open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I look at Magnus and see him looking sad. I was about to say something, but my phone rings. I answer it.

"Hello mother" I pause and listen to what she say "Of course" I say before I hung up. I look at Magnus "Duty calls."

"Ah. Oh, the furrowed brow. Maryse must be recruiting you for something. . . unseemly" Magnus says.

I studdered "Listen, Magnus, I- I wish I could. . . I just. . . I don't know what-" Magnus puts a finger to my lips and paused what I said.

"I understand. Stay for one more drink? And then decide" he offered and put a drink in my hands. I nod and start drinking this beverage Magnus gave me.

Then, everything was a blur. . . .(DON'T WORRY!!! THEY DIDN'T HAVE SEX!!!)




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