The Start

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Randall wasn't exactly the type of person that would normally feel left out, but it seems things were changing. Ever since the pack ended all the eruptions, and Alyssa came back from Praxis. He was starting to feel left out, all he wanted was for the Knights of St Christopher to not change. He didn't want to apart of the Order, but it seems that everyone was happy with how things were working out. Even if Praxis wasn't fully gone, and Alyssa still hadn't given Vera her magic yet.

Even the pack house felt empty with no more beer pong, and drinking till everyone drops in the pack. And today was the worst day yet because a surprise was waiting for Randall as soon as he got to the dorm. 

Smelling someone in the room, Randall slowly opened the door feeling something wrong. A foreboding feeling went through Randall and looking right at him was his mother.

Surprised couldn't even express how Randell felt, he was expecting to meet her after university as per their agreement. Glancing at her face, he suddenly felt his throat closing up. 

Quietly speaking Randall asked, 'What are you doing here mom?'

Quickly replying, while looking around at his room Randall's mum sighed, 'Honey, looking at this place you've been here long enough. I've kept watch of you, and it seems this place doesn't have what you want anymore. All your pack seems to have moved on, and why would you want to be part of the order?'

Before Randall could say anything, his mum continued on, ' You've been wasting too much time on your degree, when I know you're smart enough to have already finished it. And I believe a university like Yale would be able to do that for you, also it has the benefit of being close to home. I agreed that you could go to this university, since you wanted to be independent, but how are things working out for you.'

Breathing out, Randall felt like crying. Greybeard growled lightly seemingly trying to comfort him, and Randall appreciated it. 

Not knowing what to say while looking at his mum, Randall thought maybe she was right. Things were not working out with the pack, he felt abandoned, lonely and sad all the time. It was like everyone had decided to move on, and he was lost. He thought everything would become better once Lilith came back from hell, or whatever she wants to call it nowadays, but he still felt lonely, especially when Lilith wasn't too against the pack joining the Order.

Looking at his mum and knowing what was coming. Randall thought maybe it was time to go. Slowly replying to his mum Randall said, 'I agree, we can go.' Greybeard whined making Randall feel bad but he couldn't stay here and take all the drama and madness that has been happening ever since Jack came, and he doesn't hold anything against Jack, but he does want his pack to feel like a family again.

However, his mum was ready, ' Don't worry everything will be delivered home and we've already put through the transfer. Everyone will be happy to see you home son.' 

His mum quickly walked out of the door, giving him a look to follow, and as they got outside looking at the inconspicuous limo waiting, Randall slowly entered, while other students were staring at the limo. And as the limo rolled out, Randall felt guilty for not staying and telling the pack he was going, and it became even worse as Greybeard howled, and his mother smiled. 

Unheard by most people, members of the pack felt something wrong, as their hides howled.

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