Small Love (Marion x Mike)

Start from the beginning

Mike on the other hand was complaining to himself like usual as he puffed along. "If i have one issue with that 'Marion' lady im going straight to Bert and telling him to take over my job and while i pull his passenger's-WOAH!" Mike quickly screeched to a stop to keep from hitting his funnel on the big shovel that swang just inches above him.

"Oops! Sorry there.... Didn't see you are you alright? Did i hit you?"

"Watch where your swinging that shovel of yours lady!" Mike said as he glanced up at that same engine that cornered him on the bridge that day. They both seemed to share that same suprised expression.

"Is.... Is you that small-"

"Magical fairy Engine? Yeah we're not magical nor are we fairys" Mike said as he rolled his eye's.

"Oh..... But i thought you-"

"We're just like every other engine here on Sodor just we're small..." Mike said as he seemed once more agitated. How ever Marion stayed silent for a good minute or two before breaking the silence between the two of them.

"Oh.... we'll....... My apologies......." She said moving her shovel more to the left. Mike slightly raised an eye brow before sighing.

"Apology accepted ....... But im still going to hold that against you for a small bit longer" Mike said as he looked her up and down before rolling his eye's. Marion was now relaxed and happy she could get back to good terms with the small red engine to her right.

"Oh! Where are my manners! My name's Marion and you are?.." She asked as she waited patiently for an anwser. Mike wanted to be sarcastic to her but decided that it probably wouldn't be the best idea to toy with her now.

".....My names Mike" he said looking back up at her as she brought her shovel infront of him like they was gonna shake hands though they didn't even have any.

"We'll is very nice to meet you Mike!" She said before bringing her shovel back over to the side. "Now how about we get these rocks off the line hm? I'm sure you don't really wanna be here after are last encounter..." She joked though she was some what correct.

Mike really didn't want to be there but now that he saw how forgiving she was his mind convinced him to stay and not just run off with no reason or excuse even if he decided to do that the "Small Controller" would be very cross with him once he found out.

"The rocks seem to be piled high so they'res a very slim chance will ever get done by today it looks like it might be a couple of days before we ever get done...." Mike said attempting to lighten the mood.

"We'll then i guess we better get to it then!" Marion said with a smile on her face.

*Time Skip to night*

Bert and Rex was already half way asleep when Mike backed into the shed. They noticed how dusty he was though to they're suprise he didn't seem one bit agitated he actually looked to be really tired. "So i take it that moving some of those rocks off the rails went well?" Rex asked as he raised an eye brow.

"Yes it did go...... Surprisingly well but we still have alot of work to do tomorrow...." Mike yawned as he drifted off to sleep. Bert and Rex gave each other confused looks.

"Maybe they both got onto good terms with one another?"

"Maybe..... But at the same time Im sure Mike will still use that old reason agenst her any other day, is not unusual for him to get angry at small things" Rex said as he yawned.

"Yeah.... Well I'll talk more in the morning night..." Bert said as he fell asleep

"Night..." Rex said as he too drifted to sleep, after awhile they all was asleep waiting for the next day to come.

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