"Mhm, two babies! Do you know what that means?" Hanna shook her head no as she craned her neck to get a better view. "You don't just have one baby sister; you have two baby sisters."

"Like Cara?" Cara was an older girl in Hanna's kindergarten that Hanna adored.

"Just like Cara, except Cara has one younger sister, and then a baby brother, while your baby sisters are the same age."

"Ohhh. Okay. Mommy, hug!" she reached out for Jennie who currently had her hands full.

"One second, cutie, mommy just needs to help me with the babies, ok?" Rosie put Hanna at the end of the bed, helping Jennie put the twins in their bassinets. "C'mere, baby." She opened her arms, smiling as Hanna crawled into her embrace.

"I'm not a baby, mommy. They are." She pointed towards the bassinets.

"You'll always be my baby," she kissed her head. Hanna, who had always been her little girl, suddenly seemed so big now in comparison to her two little sisters. It was weird to think that four years ago, she'd been that tiny.

"Do you want to hold them?" There wasn't a lot of room in the hospital bed, and Jennie still had some wires attached to her that Rosie didn't want to disturb, so she sat down in the chair right next to the bed.

"Can I?"

"Of course! Here, mommy will help you. First you have to sit up properly," Jennie sat up next to her, guiding Hanna. "Then you have to hold your arms like this." Hanna copied her mommy as Rosie went to pick up one baby. She gently placed her into Hanna's arms, Jennie helping to support the baby's head. "Let me get my phone, I need photos and videos of this."

Rosie pulled out her phone, attaching it to the holder they'd brought so she could film Hanna and the babies first meeting.

"What's her name, mommy?"

"Her name is Lea; do you like it?" Hanna nodded; eyes locked on the tiny little being in her arms.

"Hi baby Lea." She leaned down, placing a kiss on the baby's face, and it was just about enough to make Jennie and Rosie's hearts melt for the nth time. "I love you."

"Baby Lea loves you too, Nana bear."

"Can I give her more kisses?"

"You can give her as many kisses as you want to, but do you want to meet your other sister too?"


"Give her one more kiss then," Hanna leaned down and placed another kiss on her sister's cheek, Rosie getting some cute photos of it, before Jennie gently placed the baby in her lap so Rosie could hand them the other twin.

"What's her name?"

"She's called Ava."

"I love you too, Ava." Jennie and Rosie shared a tender look as Hanna kissed her sister, this was honestly too much for their hearts to take.

"Are you gonna be a good big sister, bear?"

"Uh-huh, just like grammy said auntie Alice was with mommy."

"That's right, auntie Alice was the best big sister, and I know you will be too, bear. Is it ok if we let grammy and grandpa come in now?"

"Okay," Hanna shrugged, as Rosie gently took Ava out of her arms. "But I still wanna sit next to mommy."

"Of course, cutie, you don't have to go anywhere. No one else knows mommy had two babies, so when they come in, we're gonna surprise them. So you have to not say anything, ok?"

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