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A/N: Surprise chapter in honor of Ice Cream coming out today/tomorrow depending on your time zone. So so so excited for this!

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, the next one will be the last one; the epilogue (but it's really long, at least). Have a great weekend!


"Hi mom, are you guys nearby?"

"Yeah, we're about ten minutes away. I've got Jennie's parents in our car, and Alice and Hanna are riding with Jisoo and Lisa. How's things going over there?"

"Perfect," Rosie glanced over at her wife who was resting, a small smile on her lips. "It went really well and quite fast."

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

Rosie laughed; they'd all tried to pull it out of her since the baby had been born the night before. "You'll just have to wait and see, mom. You'll know in about ten minutes."

"Figured I'd give it another try," Clare laughed. She and Jennie's mom were both pretty desperate to know. Not that it mattered, they'd love the baby equally either way, but they wanted to know if they had another granddaughter, or their first grandson. "I'll text you when we get there, see you soon."

"Bye, love you." She hung up and sat next to Jennie, gently stroking her cheek. "Jen, babe?"

"Hmm?" Her voice was sleepy, eyes still closed.

"Our families will be here soon; do you want a sandwich or something first?"

"Just some water I think."

"Sure, let me go refill the pitcher with some ice water." Rosie kissed Jennie's cheek before stepping out of the room, giving Jennie some time to properly wake up and orient herself.

"Are you ready for this?" She asked after receiving the text from her mom that they were all downstairs.

"It's now or never. Don't worry, I feel fine. I got to sleep all night, thank you for that by the way."

"Hey, it's the least I could do. How do you wanna do this?"

"I don't want everyone at once, so maybe Hanna first, then one set of grandparents at a time, along with Alice, and then Chu and Lili?"

"I'll let them fight it out who gets to come in first, I'm not getting in the middle of that." She laughed, getting up to go get them. "I'll be right back."

She navigated the hallways, finding the hoard of family and friends downstairs, all anxiously waiting to meet the latest addition to the Park family. "Hey!"

"Mommy!" Hanna hadn't seen her mom for two days and she'd missed her lots, so she ran straight into her mom, tugging on her to pick her up.

"Hi munchkin. Do you wanna go upstairs and see mommy?" Hanna nodded excitedly as Rosie smiled at the rest. "I'm guessing you're about as ready as she is, huh? C'mon, I'll lead you upstairs."

"We can't have everyone in there at once, so we're gonna take Hanna in first, then a set of grandparents at a time, then Alice, Jisoo, and Lisa, ok? So you guys figure out amongst yourselves who goes first." She looked at her parents and Jennie's parents, who seemed just about ready to break down the door, as she said the last part.

"Do you wanna know a secret, bear?" Rosie whispered to Hanna as she closed the door behind her.

"Mhm," she nodded enthusiastically, staring at her mom.

"Mommy didn't just have one baby," she couldn't hide her smile as Jennie came into view. "She had two."

Hanna gasped as she saw her mommy holding two tiny babies in her arms. "Two babies?"

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