chapter ten

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~A day after the accident~

Nick sat next to his girlfriend and stroked her cheek Softly. It hurt him to see her in so much discomfort. Even though she was unconscious she looked uncomfortable. He glanced around the half witch's bedroom it looked difrent that it used to. It looked less lively almost dead looking. Her face calmed as he kissed her cheek and ran his fingers through her unbrushed hair.

Nick hasn't left her side since the accident happened. I love you and I can't wait to get my awesome, gorgeous, badass girlfriend back he whispered in her ear. He looked at the hoodies scattered across the floor.

Tears dripped off his red face. I just miss you so much he broke down. He rapped on arms around her softly trying not to hurt her.

~20 minutes later~

Nick stood in the room as roz sat beside him rubbing sabrina's hand. It's all my fault roz said looking at nick. He looked away with tears in his eyes not knowing how to reply.

~2 hours later ~

Nick kissed his girlfriend and lied in the chair next to her. He felt empty and like was loosing himself the longer sabrina remained unconscious.   He felt as if he didn't know how to function without his half witch girlfriend.

Sorry this is was really short starting school back up and have been hanging out with my sister

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