The next day i wake up to tessa missing from the bed. I walk outside and watch her as she admires the ring on her finger. "Morning Beautiful" i sit down next to her and pull her hand up so i can look at the ring. Its nothing extravegant but it instantly reminded me of tessa when I looked at it for the first time. I think its because the stone reminds me of tessas eyes. Its the most intriguing colour of light blue and grey. "Do you like it?" I ask. "I love it" She continues to stare at the ring for a few more moments and then gets up. "When do you want to leave for our snorkeling adventure" she says . "I didnt think you were serious. I thought you were afraid of the water" im down to do anything so the decision really does lay with her. "I know but you wanted me to 'loosen up' a bit right." She mocks me. "So you have no problem going parasailing tommorow then" i could always use one of my wishes to make her do it with me but then i will have to deal with her in a mood after. "If you want to." She nods. Is she serious. "So your down to do anything?" I could have fun with this. "Ye sure" "so you wouldn't mind if i booked us both to go swim with sharks." She rolls her eyes at me. "Ye im not doing that" she scoffs. "Ok then I will call reception and hire a boat for the day." We order breakfast to our room and i book the boat. "The boats booked for 12" its around 10.30 now so we have a bit of time. Tessa goes to get changed bringing her bowl of fruit with her. "Make sure to wear the white one!" I yell into the room. She doesn't have to be in the same room for me to know shes rolling her eyes at me again. Im already dressed and ready to go for the day now so i grab my copy of Wuthering Heights and wait for tess. I finish the first chapter for the millionth time and tessa calls me into the room. "Can you tie it up please" she asks. I walk over to her and move her hair out of the way. She put on a blue floral print dress today that goes down to her ankles and ties at the back. I smile when I see the white bikini underneath. I havent actually seen her in it yet but I know shes gonna look amazing especially know her skin has gone slightly darker from being out in the sun all day. I tie the dress and kiss her shoulder. "thank you." she turns and gives me a quick peck on the lips. I watch as she walks over to her bag and grabs her phone,her dress following behind her. "im gonne call karen and thank them. i forgot yesterday." i groan and wrap my arms around her from behind resting my chin on her shoulder. "can you call them when we get back in 5 days." i want the time we have here to be just for us. "fine but make sure to thank them when we get back." i roll my eyes and we sit back outside for a few more minutes before leaving. "morning both!" our driver calls us over. "morning." Tessa gives him a quick hug which i just find weird. we dont even know him. "where too today?" he asks and turns on the satnav. "port Pyrgos." we currently in Oia which is the nicest part of Santorini. "out onto the boats today then. its lovely down there you should have a nice time." the driver who i believe his name to be 'paul'. its what his name tag says anyways. "have you been down there before?" Tessa tries to make small talk. i really do hate having chaufferes or getting in taxis and ubers. Everyone tries to ignore the fact that its fucking awkward. "i have actually. i go down there a lot with my wife. we only live down the road." god i hate this drive. we should be there soon because our hotel is only 10 minutes away and weve been in this car for at least 8 minutes now. im bored now so i move my hand to the slit in tessas dress and move my hand up and down her thigh. she clears her throat and continues to nod at whatever paul is saying. i can see her chest moving up and down quicker. i move my hand to the apex of her thighs and hook my finger around her bathers underneath. As soon as i move my finger she quickly puts her hand on top of mine stopping my movements. She tries her best to come across unaffected but i can tell by her heavy breathing and her pressing her thighs together that she needs some relief. she looks at me and mouths to stop. I slide accross to sit next to her out of the drivers view. I remove her hand from mine and continue to move ym fingers up and down. She grabs the material of my shirt gripping it tightly. "st- stop" She gulps. i completely stop and go to remove my hand but she stops me. "ok dont stop." she whispers and puts my hand back. i knew she didnt want me to stop. " ok we're here." i quickly discard my hand and leave tessa practically panting. i open her door for her. "thanks." i say to paul before me and tessa start walking down through the village and to the dock. "im sorry. i'll let you finish later." i whisper into her ear. Her cheeks are still flushed and i can see shes uncomfortable by how shes walking. We get to the dock and its full of boats. issue is i have no clue which one is ours. "hardin?" a man in his mid 30's approaches us. "ye thats me" he looks tessa up and down and instantly pray he isnt going to be on the boat. I dont need someone gawking and watching her while we are on the boat. "follow me this way" i pur my arm over tessas shoulder and we follow the guy to our boat. i didnt realise how big this boat actually was. its a huge catamaran with the name 'Bella' on the side in blue. I help tessa up onto the boat. "make yourselves comfortable and i will grab your driver." thank god hes not driving us. Tessa walks to the back of the boat where a big net sits inbetween the 2 sides. There are pillows already set out onto the net for us to sit on. "im gonna put my bag inside." i follow tess into the lounge area where theres a sofa,tv,kitchen and a toilet. Its litterally a house on the water. "lovely to meet you both" the person who i assume is the captain shakes my hand he looks around our age. "youve got the boat for the whole day so tell me if you want to stop so you can go in the water or stop by some different islands. Im gonna be right up there so come get me if you need anything. The fridge is fully stocked with food,sandwiches and water so feel free to help yourself." he walks back out and up the steps to where he will be driving.We decide to sit in the lounge until we are actually out of the dock which only takes around 5 minutes. we watch as the people on the dock get smaller and smaller. "what are you doing!" tessa unties the bow on her dress and i watch as it falls to the floor leaving her in only her bathers. "its almost 120 degrees out hardin. im not sitting out in the sun with this on." she folds her dress and places it next to her bag on the chair. "besides i thought you would prefer me in this instead of that dress." she gestures to her white bikini. "oh trust me i do." i scoff. We sit back out on the net and watch the water pass underneath us. I lay down with the pillow behind my head
and pull tess down next to me so her back is against my chest.I start to think about how amazing these last few days have been.Me and Tessa living together has worked amazing so far and i frown at the fact that when we get back home she will be living in her own apartment and i will be alone in mine. Before i know it i blurt out my thoughts. "will you move in with me." she snaps her head back to look at me. "what?" may as well go through with it now. "will you move in with me. please." i beg. "wheres this coming from?" she turns over to look at me and rests her head on the pillow. "i dont know. i just- the last few days have been amazing and weve been living together since i got back but once we are home im gonna be in my apartment on my own and your going to have your own amaprtment soon.Cant you just move in with me." she looks down fiddeling with her fingers. "i dont know hardin. i want to have my own space. especially with my work i need my own place." she still hasnt made eye contact with me."why dont you just get your own studio and you can work there and have your meetings and stuff but you can come back to our apartment after youve finished." i can see the clogs turning in her head. "i dont know." i know something else is bothering her now. "ok whats up. theres something your not telling me. ". "i just dont want things to end up like before." she looks up at me awaiting my response but avoiding eye contact. "tess ,i would never let that happen again. i never want to loose you like i did and i will do everything in my power to prevent that." she finally makes eye contact with me and lifts her hand up to the side of my face.

i havent updated in a while so i might try and do a double update today. i also run a fan account on IG. follow me on there @josephinelangfordsarmy -Anna xx

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