Chapter 15

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Looking back Sam probably shouldn't have had that fifth drink. Because if he hadn't perhaps he would be asleep instead of standing in the middle of the courtyard staring at the tip of Aelin's arrow.

"Sam, would you move a step to the left?" Aelin asked from across the grass. Sam did as he was told careful not to knock the apple over on his head. He scanned the courtyard noting Rome was beside Rowan giving him a big smile. She mouthed good luck. He laughed.

"Hold still!" Aelin yelled swaying on her feet. Sam had to admit his judgement was a little off considering he was letting Aelin, who had more to drink than he did, shoot this apple off his head. The idea had come when Chaol Westfall had told them the story of when Nesryn Feliq, a soldier and old friend of his , had shot a spear out of the air with her bow saving Lysnadra's life in the process.

"Please, I've shot a knife out of a King's hand from another building." Fenrys had chimed in.

Aelin snorted.

"You think you could do better your highness?" Fenry's asked with heavy mockery in the last two words.

Aelin looked up from her glass and Sam could have sworn he saw flames flicker in her eyes. "Grab your bow Fenry's and meet me in the courtyard." Aelin simply said before walking away. She turned halfway out of the room and said "Oh, and Sam grab an apple." Rowan smiled to himself and followed her out. Sam had grabbed an apple from the center of the table and made his way outside.

And that was how they ended up here. Lysandra and Aedion along with Lorcan and Elide had also come out to watch the show each of them exchanging money among themselves. Bets. While Chaol and Yrene were closer to Sam. In case things went wrong. He should have been nervous, but with his mind swirling around he only felt an intense rush.

Sam zoned back into the moment long enough to see Aelins posture relax and her arm pull back the string. If she was drunk before you couldn't possibly tell now. Her feet were steady on the ground and her gaze was stable as she let years of practice wash over her. Sam felt the weight of the apple lift off his head before he had even processed Aelin had let go of the arrow. Applause went up around him and he let loose a breath of relief. Aelin did a little twirl and bowed.

Fenrys lifted a brow and stepped up to the spot she had just vacated. Chaol reached to get the apple pinned to the tree behind Sam when Fenrys stopped him.

"No need for the apple." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a grape.

"Have you really been carrying a grape around in your pocket?" Aelin asked with her hands on her hips.

Fenrys ignored her comment throwing it to Sam who surprisingly caught it in his current state.

"Put it in between your teeth and turn to the side." Sam did as he was told without a second thought. Yep, he was very drunk. Rome yelled to Sam "You got this, don't die!" How much had she had to drink Sam wondered.

"Are you ready for some real skill Sam?" Fenrys asked drawing back the arrow.

"You know it." Sam said although it was quite hard to understand him with the grape in his mouth. Lysandra whooped wildly giving him a big thumbs up.

Fenrys stilled with the same animal like instincts as Aelin. He blew out a breath and released the arrow. Sam shut his eyes tight as he felt a slight burn on the tip of his lip. He felt warm blood run down into his mouth. But as he looked to his left he saw grape pinned to the tree. Chaol let out a low whistle while Rome ran to Sam.

"Whoop's your bleeding." She said and dabbed the blood off his face with a napkin she must have still had for dinner.

"It's nothing, barely even hurts." Sam said stumbling. She grabbed his shoulder and righted him.

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