four: as if we never stopped

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As I walk through the school halls, I notice the energy of the students around is very different to normal. Although it is a Monday morning, we only have three days left of school until summer break. But for me, I only have three days left of school.

A few months back I applied for a few universities. Most of them are a few hours away, but I still couldn't tell Grayson. I have no idea how he'd react, after all he's been through so much, I don't know if I could leave him here alone. Besides, I don't even know if I'll get into any of the universities so I don't want to get Gray upset over nothing, just in case.

Because it is almost the end of the school year, I am almost at the end of my exams. I have one today, one tomorrow, and one on Wednesday. Today is my final geography exam. I don't mind geography too much, I'm actually pretty good at it, so I'm not too anxious going into the exam.

As I sit down in my seat, my mind is whizzing with the thought of leaving Grayson to go to university. I know he won't go to university, he hasn't applied to any colleges. School isn't really his thing, so he'd probably hate going to another school for another three or four years.

I take a deep breathe as I shake my mind of my worries and start writing on my paper.


The two hour exam seems to whiz by and I finish just in time.

'Time's up, please put your pens down.' The lady at the front of the room announces. I sigh a breath of relief, leaning backing in my chair and waiting to be dismissed. That exam seemed to go pretty well, but I'll just have to wait to find out my results.

I head to the common room for my free period before I head home. Over the weekend, I had planned to find Hailee and talk to her about everything that has happened, so I was mentally preparing myself to see her in the common room.

As I walked through the double doors, my eyes scan the room of students. There was loud chatter and people moving all over the place. But my eyes land on the curly haired Hailee. She has cut her hair a lot shorter, and I can't help but notice that her fashion sense has changed slightly.

Taking a deep breath, I head over to where she is sitting. At first, she doesn't even look up at me, but when I stop right next to her, she looks up at me. Her face holds a confused expression. I move my feet nervously, and for some reason I can't look her in the eye.

'Hey.' I say. I glance down at her and her face seems to have relaxed a little.

'Hi.' She replies, seeming as nervous as me.

'Can we talk?' I ask.

'Yeah, sure.' She smiles at me slightly, I can't tell if its forced. I lead her out of the room and into the stairwell where I know there won't be anyone else because there are lessons going on.

I find myself standing awkwardly, face to face, with a girl I used to be so close to. It's crazy how you can go from telling someone absolutely everything, to not speaking to them at all.

'What's up?' Hailee breaks the silence. Somehow she is acting a lot more confident than me in this situation, even though I'm the one who asked to speak to her.

'Um, well,' I pause, taking a second to compose myself. 'I just had to say, I'm so sorry for how I treated you last year. I never wanted us to stop being friends.' Then I get lost for words. I don't know what else to say to her. I hope she can I understand what I am trying to express.

'I'm sorry that I kind of distanced myself before, I guess being with Lauren was all so new, I just got a bit carried away with her.' She says, smiling awkwardly.

'I got caught up in my own relationship too. How is Lauren?' I ask, showing her that I am interested still.

'Oh, that never worked out, but I am getting to know this other girl.' She explains. 'Her name's Abbie.'

We start talking as if we never stopped. She tells me all about Abby and I tell her about Grayson. Before I know it, we've organised to go out for dinner with Madison.


Hey everybody!

Sorry this chapter was quite short, but I needed Hailee to be more involved in the story this time around!

I can't wait for the story to unfold!

Sending love<3


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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