Chapter 7

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The week soon flew by, Type had contacted his parents and managed to come up with an excuse of "My roommate and I were planning on going to the beach for the weekend, could I have some money, please?" and with that, Type received some cash. Tharn had made the dreaded call to San which was...interesting:

"Hey, San." Tharn held the phone, his feet jittering with nerves.

"Hello, Tharn. Haven't heard from you in a while." San replied.

"Yeah, well I just wanted to let you know that I'm going away for a little while."

"What!" That was the exact response Tharn was expecting but he didn't realise how loud San would yell into the phone.

"It's only for a short while but I really need a break." Tharn tried to reason with San who chewed on his bottom lip.

"We all need a break, Tharn! But we don-" Tharn hung up. He then filed away his phone and blocked out the noise of his phone's repetitive beeping and ringing by blasting STAMP through his Ipod.


"Ready?" Type stood outside the taxi, a hand holding the strap of his backpack and the other holding the door open.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Tharn replied, sliding under Type's arm and making himself comfortable in the back seat. Type quickly joined him and they were soon off. Their two hour journey had just begun.


The gentle breeze flowed through their hair as they walked side by side towards the sea. Tharn could already feel his body easing and relaxing, his senses felt as if they were being refreshed and he had a clean state of mind. Type, similarly felt himself at ease. The journey there was long and painfully slow, Type ended up leaning against Tharn and sleeping most of the way while Tharn gazed out of the window. And although it was almost two on this Friday afternoon, they had made it. The sand between their toes as their clothes blew in the breeze. Moments later they reached the water. The shallow waves brushing over their feet and erasing the sand glued to their skin. Tharn carefully took a step forward, the water rising to engulf the entirety of his feet. Looking over his shoulder he saw a hesitant Type, watching the waves as they tickled his toes. Tharn stretched out a hand, nudging Type to take it and he did, his fingers carefully wrapping around Tharn's and the feeling of static toiled through their arms and straight to their hearts.

"Tharn!" Type yelled although there was nothing harsh about his voice, in fact his tone was laced with laughter. The older man had yanked Type forward, they now stood side by side, hand in hand, the water now reaching their ankles. It wasn't that Type was scared of the ocean, he just didn't like the feeling of seaweed or other oceanic plants wrapping themselves around Type's feet and scaring the shit out of him. However, with Tharn by his side, those fears slowly disappeared as they continued to walk deeper into the water, jumping waves as they came by. Then when the salty water reached just below their knees, they paused and looked behind them. An almost empty beach stared back at the pair. As if planned, a length of seaweed found its way around the lower part of Type's foot and caused him to yell in fright. His body jumping and clinging to Tharn who managed to catch him. It was just like in the movies, you know when the lead female jumps into the males arms and they look into each other's eyes and it's beautifully romantic, well for Tharn and Type that only lasted a minute before Tharn slipped and they both went soaring down into the water, drenching them entirely and causing their hair to smell of salt. They both laughed it off, acknowledging the fact that it was bound to happen at some point and making the most of the cooling water.

The two stayed in the sea for a while longer, Type repeatedly jumping onto Tharn's back and forcing his fingers through his dark, wet hair while Tharn happily carried the young man around, mainly so he could dump him back in the water and listen to Type's curses. They even watched the sunset together, they sat on the beach in their soaked clothes and allowed their raised knees to rub together. Tharn even slung an arm around Type's shoulders and pulled him closer to his body. Type liked this side of Tharn, he was confident but not in a pushy way and he was ever so kind. Even when Tharn dropped Type in the water, he would always be sure to check that he was alright and that if he was getting too cold or tied, they could go back to their hotel room.

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